ouch (11)

193 10 3

"What time do your classes end?"

"I'm not free..."

You kept walking straight, your fingers caressing the papers in your file to fish out the homework you were going to submit, before suddenly realising that Kazuha had immediately stopped in his tracks. You whipped your head around and looked right at his judgemental face. "What?" you ask.

"It's been a week, Pres. The last time, Yoimiya asked us to go to that stupid arcade after school, the one where you keep getting scammed at, but you still said no. Is there something you wanna tell me?" he questions you. The past week, you had been unable to join your friends to go out because you were already committed to tutoring Scaramouche after school. Though you must say you missed hanging out with your friends, you had to keep your promise.

"Well kinda...It's a long story..." you sigh as you two walk towards the cafeteria. "Well, we have a whole half an hour to talk," he scrunches his nose and smiles, "I'm sure you owe Yoimiya an explanation as well...You know you're like my only other friend. When Yoimiya was absent the other day, I had to go home before 5pm. Is it that purple boy? Is there something going on that I kinda really wanna know about..." You roll your eyes and open your mouth to explain yourself but you were interrupted by said purple boy.

"What stuff?" he says as he wraps his arm around Kazuha's neck and inserts himself between the two of you. "Since when were you two so friendly?"

'We're not."

"I've never talked to him in my life."

"They're hanging out a lot, huh? Is she going out with one of them?"

"I think if anything she'd be dating Scaramouche. I mean, why did they get so close all of a sudden?"

The whispering from a group of girls as you walk past them. Just ignore it. So what if people were talking about you secretly while you walked with the two guys people think you're going out with and wanted nothing more than to be anywhere else? No big deal. Where was Yoimiya when you needed her?

That was until your biggest problem came around. "Y/n can we talk?" the blonde boy spoke as he gripped onto your wrist to try and pull you along with him but you quickly snatched your hand back towards yourself. "No we can't actually...I'm busy," you frown as you step back a little.

"Hey what's this about?" Kazuha asks you, noticing your obvious shift in attitude.

"Are you actually going out with him?" he asks, gesturing towards Scaramouche who was behind you. The few tables around us started listening in to our conversation, fueling your anxiousness even more. You weren't smack in the middle of the crowd but you were within earshot of curious schoolmates. "She is," Scaramouche steps next to you, frowning as per usual. "Y/n I confessed to you a month ago you never told me how you felt and now you start going around with several guys at a time? I mean, who do you think you are? It's quite disgusting..." Takashi fights back.

"I don't like you. There's your answer, go and sort your feelings out by yourself. Good luck with that..." you scoff. That was crossing the line.

"I don't believe that shit. How could you like someone like him?"

"Why can't I? Can we go somewhere else and talk about thi-"

"Because I know you and you wouldn't date this dipshit for real. It's fake and you want me to give up but guess what? No one else is gonna like you if you keep up with this attitude. You think that you can find someone who will like a bland bitch like you? Think about it. You study all day, you slave away at the council, and you're not the supermodel kind either. You should count yourself lucky that I even like you, because frankly, you're not even all that...So you can drop the act, I'm not convinced..." he spat. Good lord did you want to just die on the spot. You guys were not exactly in the most private area either. You had a sliver of anxiousness wrap around your heart as it rose as an electrical storm in your brain that was quite honestly painful. It was different from a headache yet felt the same as intense stress, perhaps as a sort of frozen panic with nowhere to go.

You were at a loss for words. You tried to calculate what those who overheard were thinking, maybe they were agreeing or laughing at you. You tried to calculate how much longer it would take for you to open your mouth and say something but you couldn't. Heck you even wanted to calculate just how many times you needed to breathe until you could suck in all the air in the area until people dropped dead and this situation was over. What was being book smart if you couldn't even utter a word to defend yourself? What was burning the midnight oil for if you were just going to end up getting broken down by the same people who rank below you? You wanted to scream at his face but what he said cut a little too deep. There was nothing really interesting about you. What did people even like about you? Do people even like you? What could you have possibly said or did to even garner the attention of those who became your friends? What did they see?

Kazuha's eyebrows knitted together as he tried to step in "Hey, you better fucking watch it-"

Just then, you felt warm fingers grab onto your cold digits. That singular moment of touch overrode your disfigured thoughts, it hit pause on your subconscious trembling for a while. You found solace within that. It stilled the air and made you believe that at least one person had your back, even if you were being delusional. Scaramouche gripped your fingers, almost begging to reassure you. But before you could even react to his gentle actions, his other hand cupped your face and pulled it close to his, attaching his lips to yours in an instant.

Your eyes screwed shut, you didn't want to see anything anymore. You didn't care if you liked it or not, and you didn't care if you were doing it all wrong. The only thing that mattered now is that the boy whose hand you were holding, and lips you were kissing dragged you out of a hellhole for a second.

He pulled away before you could even process what was happening, glaring right at the shocked blonde who stood before you two, cheeks rosy and ears red. 

"See? Dating." he shot.

All of a sudden I heard two slaps. They weren't the rather tame ones either. One to Scaramouche's face and one to Takashi's. In front of me stood a fuming ball of flames. Her blond and uneven hair was tied in a ponytail to gear her up for a fight she was so ready to win. Her usual red choker stood out and added a splash of colour to her already stunning boldness. Your best friend pulled you towards her by your arm.

"What the hell do you think you two are doing?"

fun fact: 

- scaramouche's first kiss was you.

okay guys, idk i feel like this is so cringe but i wanted to convey some messages it just depends which ones you pick up on or how you think of it. obv the other chapters will be much more lighthearted because that's what this story is so please bear with me (≧﹏ ≦)

𝘿𝙀𝘼𝙇 𝙒𝙄𝙏𝙃 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝘿𝙀𝙑𝙄𝙇 - scaramouche x readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora