results day (16)

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After 3 weeks of non-stop studying and getting bombarded with exams, the midterm season was over and the results were going to be out at 4pm. You were seated in the auditorium as you waited for the clock to strike the time. You glanced at your friends who were also nervously fidgeting in their seats a couple rows in front. Sucks that you weren't in the same class. The blonde girl turned around in her seat and flashed you her winning smile, along with a crooked thumbs up.

You smiled a little and waved back at her. 

You had to do well on your midterm, and you were pretty sure you did. Though it did not stop your feelings of insuppressible worry. It started with a tickle at the back of your throat and a dry cough. Your eyebrows subconsciously knitted themselves together as you tugged at the collar of your school uniform in hopes to breathe better. The air in the auditorium was dry and chilly, and when coupled with the school tie zipped all the way up to your neck, you were almost suffocating.

"Geez, you doing alright?" the purple-haired boy beside you piped up, his eyes focused on your squirmy actions. You almost forgot he was there. "Yes...No. Aren't you scared? You're the one who wanted to study in the first place, why are you so calm?"

"I know I'll do better than last time. My tutor is smart...She usually gets first in the cohort. Remember?" Scaramouche rolled his eyes as his hand pressed your thigh down, stopping it from drilling up and down out of anxiousness. You scoff as you undo a couple buttons on your shirt and loosen your tie, leaning your cheek on your hand. "But like, what if I don't get first place-"

"Will you quit it already? It's 2 minutes to 4 and you're telling me you can't calm the fuck down for a couple seconds? You will get your stupid first place, I bet a hundred bucks on that."

You zipped your mouth shut upon realising the amount of faith Scaramouche had in you. Can't say you weren't jealous, it would be nice to be able to swear on your life you'd do well. Your eyes were glued to the second hand on the large clock as you silently counted down the time till you got your report card. You found solace yet uneasiness within the hands of the clock. It ticked in a rhythmic staccato, the kind that followed with one's heartbeat and seemed to slow and quicken with it.

The clock hit 4pm.

The teachers in charge started distributing the report cards one by one, fueling your racing mind even more.

"Y/n L/n!" the pudgy man at the front called out, causing you to shoot up from your seat.

You walked over to the front to collect the small book and frantically flipped the book open. "90? Ew...97, okay...93, eh...100, of course. 95? Hmmm...98...94...94..." you softly repeated to yourself, your forehead tense from all the frowning you did. After shutting out the world so you could be completely absorbed in your grades, you heard the teacher speak up again.

"Alright, you guys can check the board there for your placement."

You snapped your head to the side of the room where most students were already clamouring. Fuck.

You jostled with elbows and flailing limbs as you tried to make your way to the front on the very left side. After nearly getting stampeded into the carpeted ground, you managed to gain footing right at the front.

"First place......Y/n L/n~" you cheered softly before getting pushed aside as soon as your eyes found your name. Hard work pays off, you deserved to be this proud. You sacrificed sleep and cried over your studies for this, there was no way you were going to settle for anything else.

"Y/n..." a familiar voice called from behind you, his hand gently tugging against the sleeve of your uniform to pull you to one side. "Scara! I got it! First place, of course..." you bragged as you stuck your nose a little higher, a wide smile on your face.

Scaramouche dramatically rolled his eyes, "did I or did I not tell you...You earned it, if anyone else got that title I'd help protest for a remark..."

You felt yourself heat up as your eyes couldn't pull away from the boy in front of you. He spoke with such a gentle tone these days, compared to screaming at you when you guys barely knew each other.

"Thank you...Anyway, what about you?"

"I passed everything, including physics. Currently, I'm ranked 117 out of 253..." he smirked, holding up his report card showing his grades. Your eyes widened, feeling the warmth and joy that used to be packaged in a cute little box just overflow and flood your veins.

"Oh my god! I'm so proud of you! I fucking knew you could do it!!!" you jumped as you instinctively wrapped your arms around his neck, your eyes disappearing as you grin. Scaramouche's arms hesitated to wrap around you, but he gave in and held your waist tightly, one hand on the small of your back.

It was only after you pulled away from the hug that you realised what you did, quickly getting the feelings of embarrassment you so-conveniently forgot about.

You purposely-but-not-so-purposely let your hands trail down his forearms as you separate from the hug, before taking his hands in your own. "I really am glad you got the grades you wanted."

Scaramouche's gaze was elsewhere, his ears and face flushed a deep red as he tried to hide a smile behind a futile frown. "At least give yourself some credit alright? This wasn't my effort alone. I'll think of a better way to repay you...In the meantime, thanks for this." he admitted, holding up his report card before turning to face you again. 

"Good job, Scara."

Fun fact: 

- Scara has never hugged anyone before. 

Hi my cutesy wootesy pookie dookie wookie boo boo bears with whipped cream and sprinkles and Hershey chocolate sauce and a cherry on top. It's been so long but I've never forgotten about this book (lie).  

Anyway, I was lazy af to write the studying chapters and I'm not creative enough so we shall skip to this part. No one asked but my exams were kinda eaten devoured and I will now be returning to the old update schedule! 

Also, thank you guys so so so much for 700+ reads that's actually crazy. I dipped off the face of the earth for like a month then come back and see this many reads! Muacks. As always, thank you for supporting and I will update again next week! (❁'◡'❁)

𝘿𝙀𝘼𝙇 𝙒𝙄𝙏𝙃 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝘿𝙀𝙑𝙄𝙇 - scaramouche x readerWhere stories live. Discover now