The Source of Temptation

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You weren't sure what Moiraine did and why it was so important to do so, but you were actually enjoying learning about this new culture, learning the new streets. It was a rude awakening to find you could find the inn you were staying at from anywhere in town. That's how you knew you'd stayed too long. You immediately began pouring over the books which had daunted you too much to get far very quickly. 

That was a horrifying sight for Moiraine to find. She was just as well informed as you, but not nearly as displeased as you. Yes, as a Blue Ajah, she was used to having all the answers. On the other hand, you'd know anything she knew, a concept to adjust to, and if she knew how to get you home, it was all over. But she had no idea it tore you up so bad. Technically, this was your world, but your heart obviously compelled you elsewhere. To imagine the stress of it turning you into a mess who didn't change clothes, bathe, eat, or go outside and to appear as if that had been your state for decades was a powerful thing. "I leave you a few hours and you dissolve into this." Moiraine set the parcel of food she'd brought you on the foot of the bed. Crawling on beside it, she took the books away from you. 

You didn't respond, hardly aware of her, but reached for the books just the same, a disapproving sound tearing itself from your throat. Hearing a clicking tongue, you looked up at the pitying brunette. 

It seemed that was all she was waiting for, holding your face to maintain eye contact. "You must take care of yourself." 

You swiftly grabbed her arm, prying it away from your face. "I have to take care of Farah. 93 days I've been gone, apart from her, in another world while who knows how it's going with the woman who wanted to kill her. I have no idea how I got here and I have no idea how to get back, but I have to get back." Tears sprung to your eyes. "She could be dead and Alfea be at stake. She'd fight for Alfea till she died." You tried to pull the texts back to you, but Moiraine held firm. She picked up the parcel with her free hand, holding it out to you. You reluctantly ate, glowing at the smug Blue the entire time. 

You went back to your reading once done, but Moiraine covered the pages with her hand when she needed your attention. "The Tower truly does have a better selection and you might see something or know something about your Power that I don't."

With a sigh, you flopped sideways, headfirst into your pillow. 

Moiraine laughed and arranged your hair from in front of your face. "Very well," she conceded. "Enough talk of the Tower. Perhaps it is time you told me the specifics of how you came to be in this world."

You pulled at the book again, too tired to explain. "I already did." You pulled harder, purple eyes helping with that

But the One Power pulled it back, keeping the delicate balance. "You gave an objective opinion. What were you feeling? With what you know now about the One Power, what happened?" 

That was something to think about. "I was trying to get us away from there, but the only magic I knew couldn't help. But I didn't bring Farah so it didn't work."

Brown hair shuddered as she shook her head. "Inexperienced One Power can only instinctively save the user. I bet you could bring someone now." 

You thought on that, but shrugged. "I don't want to bring anyone. I just wanna go back."

You didn't see Moiraine deflate behind you. "The topic was your capabilities," she mumbled beneath her pout. 

It was only then that you realized her question most like accompanied an intent. You look her dead in the eye. "Did you have someone in mind?" you asked but the answer didn't matter. It wouldn't happen. 

Moiraine suddenly looked quite abashed, shrugged her decorated shoulders. Her grey orbs found her blue boots, heels clicking together. 

Head tilted, you stared. "You... want to visit my world?" 

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