Chapter 12

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Charles Wallace got back to Wiggletown and noticed the crime scene.

"What the heck happened here?!" he gasped.

"Idina went joy riding and wrecked my car" said Calvin.

Sam noticed Kristen's green chops. "Whoa! What happened to Kristen?" 

"She had a delicious green marker for lunch" said Charles Wallace.

"Ugh! Some sitters we're turning out to be" said Calvin.

"Wait a minute. How could Idina go joy riding?" said Charles Wallace.

"I dunno, bud. This might be the weirdest arrest we've ever placed" said Andy.

"Wait. You're gonna arrest her?" said Charles Wallace.

"That's what someone gets when they destroy property. Accident or no accident. Cuff her, Gibson" said Andy.

Jill snapped handcuffs on Idina's tiny wrists and carried the crying baby to the squad car.

"Oh golly, Chad's gonna be so upset" said Charles Wallace.

"That's the worst of it. He just called me. Now his sickness includes chills and nausea" said Sam.

"Those are normal flu symptoms" said Charles Wallace.

"They're also the reason we shouldn't mention this to him yet" said Calvin.

"But still, we've only tried two of us. Sam, you could try sitting when the work day's over" said Charles Wallace.

"When the work day's over, Dick Grayson and I are going out with Andy, Jill and the Beatles" said Sam.

"Well, at least we only have one to deal with now. Not that that gets around what just happened" said Calvin. 

"And we'll never be able to deal with Kristen unless we get her another butterfly pacifier. Calvin, your car might be wrecked, but can you still drive it?" said Charles Wallace.

"I think so" said Calvin.

"Great great great. We gotta get it if we're gonna make any of this better. Pharmacy, pronto" said Charles Wallace.

The three kids got into Calvin's destroyed car and drove off to the pharmacy. 

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