Chapter 19

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Justin went into the back where the employee's locker part of the library was, with a blank look on his face. Inside, Justin was deeply confused.

He didn't understand. Even though it hasn't been that long, spoiled rich kids like Ethan tend to lose the novelty of new things very quickly. Even though he hasn't been annoying him for months, it has been long enough that its normal to get tired.

'Why hasn't he gotten bored yet?', he wondered puzzled.

It wasn't like Justin to think too long on someone other than himself, after all, that's all he had to do to keep himself alive.

The isolation at school, the constant battle at his foster home, maintaining his two jobs and doing his school work are all back burners for him.

His main goal has always been to leave this town and never look back. That is his only reason for working so hard since the day he was sensible enough.

He couldn't be like other orphaned kids who used their sweet mouths and cute smiles to win the hearts of the orphanage aunties. He has always been as he is now. Expressionless, unfeeling and rational. He couldn't get close to others and he couldn't be friendly, so he worked. He picked up firewood, wash dishes, mop, sweep and chores he could to ensure that he had a little more food in his belly.

When other children were running and playing to their hearts content, he was busy doing housework.

The other children didn't want to get close to him, and he didn't bother to care.

His life continued and it was the same routine until now. He just has one more year of highschool, and then he would go to college and leave this past behind him.

But he had a very bad feeling that if he deviated from his track, that if Ethan continued to fly around him like he's doing now, he might never see his vision for his future.

Justin clenched his fist.

He took a deep breath returned to his usual self, the momentary surge of violence seemed like an illusion.

He put down his things, shoved everything Ethan related out of his mind and went to work. He had a lot to do today, and he didn't want to occupy his thoughts with things that wasn't important.

Ethan was at the front busy conversing with Bethany about the latest gossips, oblivious to Justin's determination to keep him at bay.

Bethany was telling him about popular cheer girl who was actually sleeping around with three quater of the quarterbacks on the team. Even those that weren't single.

While Ethan was processing this gossip and thinking of subtly hinting this to Zeike so he could spread it around the school, he had no idea about Justin's intentions to completely stay away from him.

Vrrr Vrrrr Vrrrr

His phone vibrated, and Ethan looked down to see a message from his parents about a lunch reservation with the Denas tomorrow after school.

He frowned.

Recently, his parents have been dragging him to all sorts of social gathering and private events, in the name of "more connections".

Ethan didn't believe a word.

He knew exactly what his parents were trying to do, and he particularly didn't cate for it.

In order to bring more benefits to the company and expand their businesses overseas, they have been looking to arrange a marriage with him with a girl from a suitable family.

In this day and age, this seemed like a ridiculous thing to do. But most influential families tend to still do such things.

Ethan didn't particularly care and he might have gone along with it if it happened early.

'But, I have a boyfriend now. So I don't need to forbear going to these lunch dates, dinner dates and such'.

Ethan turned off his phone, discarded the message from his mind, and continued his gossip with Bethany.

"Hey by the way, why don't you apply for a part-time job here and work at the reception area with me? A position is opened and the boss is looking for one", Bethany asked with excitement.

Ethan looked at her confused, "why?". He didn't need a part-time job, he already has money, so this position should be left to someone who doesn't have any.

Bethany looked at Ethan and saw that he was honestly just confused and wasn't being condescending like usual, and explained, "well for one, we could gossip when the lobby's free so that'll be fun. And most importantly, you would work with Justin and could spend more time with him freely. It'll be soooo cute. Too couples working together! What do you think?"

Ethan lit up with the idea. "I love it! Justin will be very surprised"

"Yea let's go. Let's go now. I'll introduce you to the boss"

Bethany and Ethan squealed in excitement and went to see the manager of the library.

Justin continued his daily work of sorting the books in the library at their correct position, and cleaning the tables. Unaware that his plan to stay far away from Ethan, was about to crumble.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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