Chapter 17

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'No no I must be thinking too much', Ethan shooked his head, trying desperately to brush away that thought, ignoring the slight tingling he felt, pushing it deep down the lane of chained memories in his mind.

He squeezed Justin's hand slightly, and a small smile appeared in his eye's that even he didn't notice.

'Whatever. What does gender have to do with it? I'm the most spectacularly amazing boyfriend that would ever exist and anyone would be over the moon with joy, bowing at my feet at just the thought of carrying my very expensive and precious bag and buying me lunch.

So all that Justin is bound to do is a privilege for him. Yes. Exactly right', he thought narcissistically.

Ethan strutted with his head high; holding Justin's hands; lost in thought; and completely oblivious to the bizarre and surprised looks vying his way.

However, Justin was more perceiptable to these looks, and he knew what these bewildered stares where questioning.

Why is Ethan holding that freaks hand?!

And it wasn't that he had to guess this question or read the thoughts threw their eyes, he could actually hear it in the continuous whispers that spread throughout the halls like flies swarming a dead carcass.

And it's not that he didn't understand their train of thought. As a point of interest, he actually didn't blame them. Because he too, was wondering why Ethan was holding his hand (minus the freak part. He would never attest to that).

But his line of thinking was actually deeper and in depth that these little children could decipher.

Actually, Justin had notice something wrong the first time Ethan had approached him.

Justin was a vigilant individual, and he didn't trust easily. But Ethan's character was just so shameless and pushy, the type that he hated, avoided, and had no experience dealing with, that he didn't know how to handle the situation at the time.

He wasn't flustered or flattered into humbleness, he was suspicious.

He had learned from a very early age that nothing in this world is free, and the more precious and valuable it is, the more costly.

Take his birth for example.

Life has always been dubbed a precious thing by humans. Something to be treasured and protected well. And a new born child is even more valuable.

But human beings are selfish and heartless creatures.

The life of another person may be seen as something valuable and precious, but only in the instance.
If an individual holds vital information that could make you rich or even famous, he's seen as valuable, compared to the passerby who crosses the street the moment you're chasing that valuable life. That passerby is instead seen as an obstacle and should just be run over to remove it from you're path.

Just the same as he is. His life as a conceived fetus would be called precious by the people and for the mother experiencing the joy of motherhood.
But it is that same people and that same mother, who would rather abandon that so-called precious life and valuable experience for the benefits of self.

Instead, he was discarded at the door of orphanage, because that mother didn't want to raise a child that would hinder her chances of marrying into the well off families.
Not many people would want to raise a child that's not their own, so he was thrown away without any care.

So why would Ethan, a named popular highschooler, whose family is obviously well-off, is said to good-looking and talented and is always surrounded by people, want to do with a boy everyone avoided, and even his mother abandoned?

Of course something was expected.

But Justin didn't know what.
He had been constantly pushing this conjecture to the back of his mind because he couldn't get any hints, but he was extremely cautious.

He didn't want to care about some spoiled kid who just had nothing to do.

All he could do now was just observe, and try his best not to get too close to Ethan. Because whilst he had a hunch that Ethan seemed to be hiding a lot of things, he didn't mean to explore.

Humans might be the ficklest, most selfish, most heartless hypocrites, but they were intelligent. And this intelligence is what separates them from the animals.

So Justin went with the flow and walked Ethan to his class. He stayed motionless and expressionless as Ethan flirted and made intimate gestures, and handed him his bag watching as he walked into the class and take his seat.

He turned around and walked away, advancing step by step to his classroom under the subtle suspicious eyes of surrounding students.

He didn't care what ploy Ethan was playing at. This game didn't involve him and Justin was sure to keep Ethan as a single person player.

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