Chapter 10

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A week has passed since the incident at the diner. A week and three days to be exact, and not one call, text, glance, glimpse or so much as a hello from the mysterious boy whom his teacher has let him know is name being Justin. Justin Anarki.

For one week and three days Ethan has glued himself to his phone, waiting for Justin to text him, his hope diminishing as the days goes by.

He has even been searching around school, hoping to see him. Only for him to not be found.

He's also went to the diner everyday since then, and not so much as a peep.

By the second week, Ethan was furious.

Here he was, a hot sexy devil, giving a naïve little nerd the opportunity to be seen with someone as popular and amazing as he, and he was wasting it. Leaving a gorgeous demon as himself waiting!

Ethan promised himself that if he ever saw that little ingrate again, he'll rearrange his face for him.

He started walking down the halls to the gate since school was dismissed for the day. He got a lot of hey's and whatnot, but he didn't pay much attention other than to just wave or say hi. He was too caught up in his self musings to really notice all the flirty stares or dreamy hellos that were being sent his way.
Which was very unusual for him since he'd normally preen in it.

He was walking through the gates, about to set foot in his car when he saw a familiar set of brown hair walking down the street.

He gets in the car and informs his driver to drive up to the boy (who was no more than 3 feet away) and whine down the windows.

"Hey", Ethan calls out to Justin. Only for the boy to ignore him and continue on his journey to his first job of the evening.

"Hey! Hey I'm talking to you", he continued persistently. "Justin!!".

At hearing his name Justin stopped in his tracks, and turned around to face the tiresome kid that just seems to make his day feel longer.

"Finally", exclaims Ethan. "Why haven't you texted or called me? Did you see the paper? You saw the paper right?".

Justin only continues to silently stare at Ethan wondering what the hell he could want.

"Yeah, right. Silly me. Ofcourse you didn't see the paper. You would have done something by now. I mean it has been two weeks. And anyways, who in their sane mind would have seen the paper given by the fabulous me, and not respond? Crazy people that's who. And even that's farfetched because even crazy people have to respect my Awesomeness", Ethan rambles.

Throughout all of this Justin just watches him with his same boring expressionless face. Seeing this, Ethan stops talking, and both boys just stare at each other.

Ethan being confused as to why Justin looks at him as if he's seen better, and feeling awkward because throughout all his rambling, Justin hasn't said one word and just continues to stare.

Justin, because he has no idea why this boy is talking to him and he wants to get to his job.

"U-uhm Justin? Is this-are you-i mean...", Ethan flusters.

He stops talking again and talks a deep breath. On his outward appearance he look calm and collected. But on the inside he's furious and annoyed with Justin.
Here he was, talking time out of his very busy day to grace Justin with his presence and there he was, acting like Ethan was a bother.

It made his blood boil.

'Maybe he just doesn't remember?. Yeah that's it. Its not that he doesn't remember me per say, I'm unforgettable, he doesn't know what I'm talking about. Other people don't have fantastic memory like me and its one of the things (apart from beauty) that makes life for them so sad', Ethan convinces himself.

"Well, seeing that you forgot due to the fact you don't have an amazing memory like myself, let us reintroduce. I'm Ethan Grayson, with an 'a'. I'm sure your ecstatic to meet me", says Ethan flashing his award winning smile.

A look that seems like recognition flashes, for a brief moment, through Justin's eyes.

'Finally', Ethan sighs. 'Were getting somewhere'.

Justin stretches hand down to his back pocket and takes out something that looks familiar to Ethan. He passes it to the arrogant boy and then begins to walk away leaving Ethan sitting in his car, highly confused.

Once the very confused boy takes a look at the paper, his jaw dropped all the way past the car seat right through the underside, touching the road outside.

Justin gave him back the same paper Ethan gave him. Only difference was the side note.

'I think you accidentally dropped this in my pocket. I advise you to hold onto it more careful next time. You don't want such information to get into the wrong hands'

A/n- Was gonna make this and the one before into two chaps but i changed my mind. Oh well

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