Chapter 8

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Justin reaches home, exhausted beyond reason, even if he didn't look that way. Today's been a particularly difficult day. That asshole of today that dared to sleep under his tree has been the caused of most of it.

*a few hours earlier*

The boy who Justin has deemed worthy to just be called, 'the asshole', has been staring at him for the last five minutes straight. Justin knows this because he has been counting the minutes until his breaktime which will be soon.

Whenever Justin turned to give the boy a stare that's supposed to mean 'what?!', the asshole would just flash a flirtatious smile his way, completely ignoring the message.

Justin got so annoyed that at one point, when he went over to bring the boys their order, he was holding a glass in his hand (that he was to give to the asshole) and squeezed it so hard, it shattered right there on the table.

The boy (asshole), just blinked a few times, then demanded an apology for getting water all over his gorgeous outfit. While the others just sat there blinking rapidly, mouth shaped like fish out of water.

Pretty stupid. Justin thought.

After he didn't apologized to the fourth boy, he then demanded to speak to the manger. Justin simply looked at him, and then slowly walked off, leaving the boy bridled and angry.

After a few moments he came back with the manger —who did the insistent apologizing— and then went back to taking orders. Leaving the whole fiasco behind and ignoring the asshole who continuously tried to get his attention the whole time he was there.

*back to present*

After putting his things away in his room, Justin went downstairs towards the kitchen for a glass, while the whole family was sitting in the living room watching a movie.
They ignored his presence as he walked by.

All except the mother.

She got up from beside her husband and walked into the kitchen to confront Justin.

Justin was already aware of her presence. He just didn't acknowledge it. He continued what he was doing, got his glass in hand, and tried to make his way back to his room.

Tried meaning his so-called foster mother was standing in the way, hands on her hip and a ugly sneer on her face that makes her usually pretty looking face, ugly.

His foster mother (not that he has ever considered her that. More like an unwanted guardian) is not an ugly woman. She's actually pretty decent looking. Or what his foster father, and other guys, call "cute". A petite blonde with cherry looking lips, smooth curves and actually good looking enough to be placed in a few swim model magazines.

But her hideous facial expressions, personality and horrible disposition with kids not her own, disregards all of that. And leaves a disgustingly unattractive woman. Not that Justin finds her attractive.

He finds no one attractive really.

He can, however, see what people see in other people though. He does have eyes.

"So freak. You decided to come out of your room", she states.

Justin just continues to stare. Seeming as if he's staring at something that isn't there.

"Answer me you creep!!, she demanded.

Still no response.

"I regret the day we ever brought you into this house. We should've just dumped your dead body in a river. If it wasn't for the fact that those imbeciles from the government make checks on you monthily, you wouldn't even be hear. That damn money isn't even worth it!!!", she continues in her high pitched voice that sounds like metal grinding on metal.

But through it all, Justin continues to stare. Holding the glass steadily, firmly and loosely in his hands. He doesn't want a repeat of earlier.

"Ugh! I can't stand your bastard of a face. No wonder your parents left you. Your a disgrace! A humiliation to parents everywhere! You can't even...", she continues to yell and shout.

Justin is just about to move on and ignore the walking pitchfork when he glimpses her raising her hand about to strike him in his face.

Trying For YouTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon