Chapter 2

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By the time Justin had reached the highschool he attended it was already 8:30.

It didn't really mattered to him.

Yes he will be late but he never cared about attendance. He only ever went to school because of one reason; he wanted to leave. And in order to do that he had to have some form of certified proof that he has some form of education.
The main reason he never cared though was because what they taught, he already knew.

Before he was old enough to even form a coherent thought, Justin had already been thought the main lesson of life; The only dependable one in existence, is yourself. Because of this, by the time he was able to read, he began teaching himself. When other kids would hangout with friends and play, he would huddle up in the orphanages library and practice his wording and sentencing. By the time Justin was seven, he had the brains of a middle schooler.

Every year was the same for Justin. Every free time, holidays and in-between breaks, Justin would sit in a corner by himself, study and practice as much as he could. By the time he started middle school, he was well on his way in his final year of highschool studies.

Others recognized his brilliance and offered assistance with his education. Even as far as to skip a few grades and go straight to college.
He turned them all down though.

I mean, why would he not?

He knows people only wanted to use him to get credit for finding a rarity genius.

Nothing more.

So there wasn't a need for any of that. Plus, he already knew what he wanted and had his life planned out for him. He didn't need any human interference messing that up. He's had enough of it.

After he had stopped by his locker, got the things he needed and left what he don't, he slowly walked to class.
The halls were empty and he was well over twenty minutes late, but as said before, he couldn't care less.

What would be annoying though was the multiple of eyes that would immediately flashed to his 5"6 figure, his small stature, as girls say "cute" baby face, and big grey eyes that looked dull and lifeless.

He reached the classroom that would be homed to the first 2 periods of the day, History, and pushed the door open with such forced it slammed against the wall with an audible bang. He didn't mean to use such force, it was just the thought of all those eyes that began to annoy him and made him unintentionally use force.

He couldn't care though.

He really didn't.

And he didn't care that the sound had caused the teacher, and the entire class, to jump at the loudness of the noise.

He didn't care either when the teacher regained her composure and hit him with a nasty glare that would have send most student's tripping over their words to come up with a sensible apology.

Not Justin though.

Justin just stood their, with the same bored and dull expression, eyebrows twitching with exhaustion he didn't realise he had.

"Mr. Anderson, don't you think you have something to say to me and the entire class hmm?", the teacher demanded with her high pitch voice that sounded like nails dragging on glass, and her nose scrunched up in distaste.

Anyone would've looked at Justin and claimed that he was annoyed with the teacher. With the way his eyebrow was twitching and his dull grey eyes seemed to have gotten duller, taking on a colour that could have easily been mistaken as black.
The teachers posture wavered and Justin just sighed and boredly dragged himself to the back of the class where his seat (that everyone knows not to touch) is.

He sat down and listened to the teacher for only three seconds after she had recovered and continued with her lesson plan for the day before he got bored and looked out the window.

Yep, this year was gonna be a boring one as well.

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