Chapter 12

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Justin has been feeling slightly irritated as of late. And no, it's not because of those people at the house where he stays or because of his job at the dinér. The manager had sorted out a more beneficial way Justin could help out and not inconvenience the customers or other employees.

Instead of having Justin take orders, he just let him carry the orders to the designated tables. Things worked out great for the 3 days that Miranda was out because of this strategy.

Justin didn't mind it. He still got his waiters wage and regular pay for his normal job at the diner so he was satisfied.

What has been irritating him was that for the past week and a half (more specifically week and three days but Justin didn't want specifics), the asshole that kept bothering him on his first day of waiter duty, kept appearing wherever he went.

It was by mere coincidence that he never saw Justin. Whenever he came to the diner he always sat at the same table at the back by the window. He was always there at the same time so it made things easier for Justin and him not to meet.

He would stay for an hour, sometimes two, then leave with a frustrated sigh. Justin was always doing the dishes or cleaning the kitchen during those times so they never met.

Justin never knew why he was there (although he suspected) but he was there enough to cause a speck of irritation to flicker through his being.

And if that wasn't bad enough, it was the same at school. Only difference is that he wasn't waiting to see Justin, he was searching for him. It was getting to the point that it started to become obvious that Justin was avoiding him.

But what irritated Justin was that this boy was looking for him, and Justin didn't know why.

Justin wasn't trying to find out why this boy was so persistently searching for him, but it irked him not knowing. And without knowing he couldn't put a stop to it. And to put a stop to it he had to know and it was such a vicious cycle which was why he started to become irritated.

His only safe haven was the library where he worked immediately after school and his quiet spot at the back of the school.

Well, it was his safe haven until some jocks found out he spends his free school hours there. They wanted the spot for themselves and tried to scare Justin out of giving it up, but Justin didn't react to their threats, which almost led to violence, which led to where he was right now.

Justin was currently walking----more like dragging his feet----beside the asshole who "came to his rescue", as he's been repeatedly stating, and wishing that he'd hit those boys instead and got detention.

If that had happened, Justin wouldn't be subjecated to listening to this boy ramble on about idiots who love to cause trouble and those in the school he couldn't stand.

Granted, Justin could leave right now. He could stop walking with this boy and listening to him go on and on about pointless things and be done with it.

But for some reason Justin couldn't.

Whenever it crossed Justin's mind for even a split second to just turn around and walk away, he couldn't bring himself to do it. And truthfully Justin didn't know why. Or was it that Justin didn't understand why?

In truth this boy intrigued him. Justin had ignored him whenever he was around and had never spoken even a word to him and yet he kept on seeking Justin out.

Maybe it was curiosity or a split second insanity, but Justin decided to humour himself. Afterall, this boy would get bored soon and move on.

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