Chapter 1

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It was another boring day just like any other boring day. The only difference was, this day would start a new term and the beginning of the school year after two months of summer.
It's not that there was anything particularly exciting about the restarting of school, so due to that, Justin got up as per usual like any other boring day.

School starts at 8:30 and by 8:10 Justin was rolling out of bed and drudging to the bathroom to get a quick shower and brush his teeth. By 8:15 he was putting on his dark blue jeans pants, a grey shirt, his black converse and dirty brown colour hoodie that he preferred.
His hair looked anything like a picture perfect teenager ready for his final year in highschool. He didn't like styling his hair. In fact, he couldn't be bothered. It was a useless effort and a waste of time and energy so why even try? He listlessly and lifelessly just ran his fingers through once to get most, if not some, of the tangles out. His hair always looked like an overused mop since he didn't bother combing it and he felt kinda bad for the poor thing.

He grabbed his bag for school not caring if all his books where inside and shuffled down the stairs.
He went into the kitchen past his adopted parents and their five kids, all of whom gave him the stink eye.

He didn't care. He never did.

He just drudged to the sink, got a glass and fill it with water to drink. After he downed the glass, he slowly turned to the other people in the room and gave them such an intense and bored stare it seemed as if he was saying 'your presence doesn't affect me' in such a drawling way they looked away from him slightly bothered that he wasn't bothered by their obvious glare.

He walked back to the front door,  where he left his bag, and left the house without a single word.
Leaving the  remaining people in the household to stare after his long gone presence like the antichrists have fallen.

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