Chapter 5

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After the incident in the cafeteria, Justin head to his usual spot to eat his lunch; the apple tree at the side of the school. When he reached there however, he saw a boy sleeping under the tree. You'd think like any other human being, he'd go find somewhere else to eat. But that's not how it goes. Justin has never interfered with others and all he ever silently demanded was they do the same.

But not this boy.

He wanted to sleep and was looking for the perfect spot when he found the apple tree, all empty and lonely and looking ready for the taking.

Maybe if it weren't for the cafeteria incident, Justin would've made it in time and this boy would've found somewhere else to sleep.

He didn't ponder that though. He simple lifted the  6ft 4" boy up and moved him to the side of the school (not too far from the apple tree) where there's plenty of cool shade (he might be heartless but still decent), and laid the boy back down to continue his slumber undisturbed.

Justin went back to his tree, sat down, and began nibbling on his food. Ignoring the stares of the other students wondering if he's finally gone insane by removing (and let's not forget touching) the schools most popular (and slightly narcissistic), handsome,  unattainable, and most assholic douchbag to have every graced Ardent High with it's presence.

After a while the bell signaling the end of lunch went and Justin packed up his leftovers for later and head inside to get ready for his next class.

Leaving the boy he nicely removed from his spot, to wake up completely confused as to how the hell he's laying at the side of the school, when he distinctly remember falling asleep under the apple tree, and utterly pissed off as to which filthy human dared to touch his godlike body and moved him from where he was most comfortable.

The boy then resolved himself to find out whom to have done this, and to deliver to them, free of charge, a world full of pain and anguish.

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