Getting Help From Midzys

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Ryujin: she's here already.

Lia: never mind set up the video and record it.

Chaeryeong: what's going on?

Yeji: JM is missing.

Yuna: Ryujin is upset about it.

Lia: and Midzys need to be on the lookout for his black violet GTR35 with the plate number 021298.

Yeji: it's recording now.

Lia: hi Midzys.

Chaeryeong: we are live today on YouTube because we need your help.

Yeji: right now Ryujin is upset because JM left all 5 of us and we think he is gonna do something bad.

Yuna: due to his sister's passing he has never been the same and has been blaming himself for everything.

Lia: that's why we need your help. Please be on the lookout for his black violet GTR35 car with the plate number of 021298. If you see this car parked anywhere please give us a call on this number.

Yeji: we hope to find him sooner.

"Not long after they get a call."

Yuna: yes?

Amber: this is Amber.

Yuna: guys it's Amber from NDGO.

Yeji: Amber do you know where he is?

Amber: no but I might have an idea where he is going.

Ryujin: where!?

Amber: to San Francisco bridge. I just saw him ride a speed boat. I'm gonna follow him.

Lia: please update us.

Amber: I will.

"A while after amber loses sight of me because of a big fog causing her to go back to shore."

Amber: *calls Ryujin*

Ryujin: yes?

Amber: it's me again. I had to go back because of the fog.

"Gun clicks."

JM: you've been following behind me. Did you think I wouldn't notice?

Amber: ...

Ryujin: I heard a gun click.

Yeji: what the!?

JM: give me the phone.

Amber: please JM you don't have to do this.

JM: I have made up my mind.

Amber: Ryu doesn't want you to go! She keeps crying and every time I see her with them she distance herself from them!

JM: they tried their best okay! You all tried to make me feel something again but I just can't let go. I'm sorry.

"I jump in the shark infested ocean."

Amber: JM!!

Yeji: amber what's going on out there!?

Amber: h-he just jumped into the ocean full of hungry sharks!!

Yeji: oh no... Girls get in the car now!

Ryujin: amber where are you right now?

Amber: Nashville Tennessee woodscreek lake.

Ryujin: the lake!?

Amber: it connects to the woodscreek ocean which is where both of us are at.

Lia: call the cops! Tell them to go there and convince him to climb back to the boat.

Chaeryeong: stay with him amber we're on our way to you.

Amber: okay.

"Amber calls 911."

911 dispatch: 911 what's your emergency?

Amber: I'm with my friend and he just jumped into the shark infested ocean here at woodscreek lake where the lake connects to the ocean.

911 dispatch Liz: is he making any attention for the sharks?

Amber: he's swimming away from the boat and I'm just following behind throwing things at sharks.

Liz: keep doing that we will send a dispatcher to pick you both up.

"While the cops do their work, They drive from home to Nashville Tennessee woodscreek lake and see my car crashed to a tree."

Yuna: look, a speed boat!

Yeji: he cut the wires. Damnit!

Lia: let me fix that.

"Lia fixes the boat and they go to where we are."

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