Dear Yuna

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Ryujin: Yuna... I don't know how to say this but Lia has been neglecting her health and started drinking alcohol like you did. We both keep fighting because she thinks I don't know what it's like to lose someone important to me. Chaeryeong has a hard time calming her down and even Yeji is losing herself. Ever since you left she would do the same things you did when we lost Janna. We're all afraid that she will end up like you. Worse, we're afraid that she'll end up joining you guys. Please come back home to us. We miss both of you.

JM: it's unbearable Yuna.. I can't feel my heartbeat.. I feel empty.. we all feel empty..Lia is getting worse than before and I don't know how much longer I can take.

Chaeryeong: I hope you are happy that you hurt not only us but Lia unnie the most. Say hi to Janna for me.. we wish you both didn't have to go... I hope you guys are doing well there...

Yeji: I'm really out of words to say... I feel like I am a useless leader of the group.. I wish I saw the signs... I wish I didn't neglect my health so I could've prevented you from leaving... Please be happy with her now.. soon we will all be together again..

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