Chapter ten

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"Before we do it, I have a question I want to ask you Satoru."
He loved when she called him that. It reminded him of his best friend. The only one he had. He'd always call him like that,in the same tone.
He hummed in response.
"You could've killed Mahito that day. Why didn't you?"
He knew what day she was talking about.
" Because making sure you're okay was a lot more important. But you know sometimes I wish I did kill him." She rolled her eyes,but she knew he cared.
"I killed him don't worry."
"Really?" He looked at her confused.
"Really." Everyone confirmed.

Itadori was sitting in a chair,locked in chains,getting ready to eat the last finger. No one knew what will happen to him so they came to see him,maybe for the last time. Yui could feel they all held tears but Gojo was there to make them all laugh. Sara was there too,the only person comforting Yui at that moment. They both watched how happy they all were. Like a big family.
"I have to tell you something just in case you die."
"I am not gonna die." She wasn't sure of it but she tried to act cool in front of her best friend.
"Well just in case. Uh so...I kinda...slept with.."
Yui was too stunned to speak.
"Are know. Pregnant?"
"What? No! Well that's all I had to tell you."
Wow not even " I love you", but " hey I slept with Gojo" . And she didn't even have her fist kiss. She better not die,until she tasted those lips of Megumi's.

Soon everyone left,leaving Itadori, Gojo and Yui alone in the room full of candles. There was nothing but candles and talismans around the whole room.It looked like a cult. Well they are summoning a demon.
"Are you ready?" Yui asked Gojo who was standing next to her like they currently weren't summoning the king of curses.
"Come on. This will be easy."
Itadori swallowed the last finger,finally. Sukuna has been waiting for this moment. The moment where he would make Itadori's body his own. Or so he thought. As soon as he swallowed it,Gojo entered Sukuna's soul. On Yuji's body,tattoos started showing.
"You dare touch my soul mortal? I was just about to have fun since he ate all of twenty fingers. What a shame-" Sukuna's voice echoed from his throne. "Oh is that Gojo Satoru. Didn't I tell you I will kill you?"
"Ah,didn't I tell you it's an honour being targeted by Ryomen Sukuna?"
Gojo really pissed him off. Only his voice could make him go angry. The first time they met, the guy was talking about mochi and the whipped cream inside of it.What the fuck does he think he is?
"You annoying brat. I am gonna kill you!"

She was wondering what was happening? Did Gojo already finish the job? Or are they fighting? Is he teasing him? Probably. That's Gojo. She wished that she entered the soul instead of Gojo. She just has to wait now.
Something was strange. No one else was supposed to be there.
But someone was. She could feel the cursed energy. It wasn't someone she knew. It was unfamiliar.
"Who's there?!" She yelled. Her voice echoed but no one answered. Maybe she's just overthinking too much.
"Aren't you cute?"  That unfamiliar voice spoke from the corner. She looked at the figure standing in the shadow. He was tall. Almost like Gojo.  As he was stepping forwards she could see his hair was long and black.
"Who are you?" She stood,ready to fight the guy.
"An old friend of Gojo."
He didn't seem friendly at all. The way he carried himself and the way he talked just gave her enough reason to punch him.
A punch after punch,she was fast and strong even without her cursed energy, but he was barely scratched. That annoyed her. How did he dodge every single punch thrown at him.
The room was small and there was no place to fight. But somehow they managed to.
With every dodge he made one step closer to Yuji's body. She was told no one can touch that body,and if Gojo doesn't get out of his soul after ten minutes, she has a permission to kill them. At that point, she would kill Gojo,Sukuna and Itadori. And she didn't want that.

While someone had only four walls of space for fight,someone else has a whole palace. In Sukuna's inner domain, it was a bit draining for Gojo. But he still made sure that Sukuna felt everything he was giving him.
If they were in normal world, Gojo would've finished this in a minute.

Five minutes have already passed. Both of them were fighting different enemies,special grade curses.
Gojo wasn't losing,just a little bit more and Sukuna is done. With all his strength, Gojo rushes forth throwing a punch,slamming Sukuna to the other side of his domain.
By this time,he couldn't move. He was drained.
In his blurry vision,he saw Gojo approaching him with something sharp.
"You're never gonna-" he starts coughing blood.
"Never gonna kill you? I love the confidence."Gojo starts laughing. Even though he can barely see,it still irritated him.
"I am going to exercise the shit out of you. Don't you worry,just stay still." It's not like he can move.
He stroke the sharp blade over his throat,blood covered Gojo's face.

She was on the floor. Just had hit the wall because of that fucker's foot. Everything hurts. Her butt mostly,from falling. She hated that guy whoever he was. But that guy knew Gojo entered Sukuna's soul. He wanted to kill him.
She opened her eyes and saw him preparing to stick that keen blade into Yuji's chest.
The tattoos started to disappear,Yui got strength again. What if she just use it one last time. She clearly has to kill this guy.
"You're not gonna kill him. He already finished Sukuna so he's coming out." When he heard her voice,his head turned to her.
"Great. Now I can fight with him."
I don't think you will.
She stood her ground,and got all her strength,all her power. She's gonna end him.
"What's that? Ready for a re-match?"
"Trust me,it's not gonna be much of a match."
She waited a little then she released it.
"Domain Expansion."

By the time he blinked,everything around him turned to black.  No light,no sight of the room they were in. Just darkness.
"What's your name?"
She didn't know why she asked him that. Probably because,when she kills him, she'll tell Gojo about it. And the others of course.
"Geto Suguru."
Suguru. Of course. An old friend of Gojo. He was right when he said that. She remembers Gojo telling her about him.
"Alright. I'll tell Gojo you said hello."
She turned her back to him and as he was trying to chase her,shadow hands pulled him down. As he was drowning in the ocean,he tried to swim up but the hands,just like a sea monster everyone thinks about when something touches their feet,pulled him even deeper.

"Yui! Come on wake up. No more sleeping." She heard Gojo's voice when she opened her eyes.
"Sorry,I must've fainted." She got up quickly,seeing that she's in the hospital and not in that room. "Where's Yuji?"
"Don't worry,everyone is safe. " he looked back for a moment before he continued.
"You have a visitor." 
Megumi walked in,slightly smiling at her.
"I'll leave you two alone." 
"You're brave." He said to her.
She smiled in response.
"Do you need anything? I can get it for you. Do you want tea or-"
"Megumi." Oh how his heart was beating every time she called his name.
"I decided I am going to stay."
She watched how his face got brighter. He smiled for the first time.
"Really? You are? that's amazing Yui. I am really glad to be training with yo-"
She silenced him with a soft kiss on his lips.
"Thank you for not letting me go." She was talking about that night when she told him that she killed her sister and he knew that.
"You're welcome." He said,looking into her eyes. They were both thinking of it.
Their lips touched,his hand lightly touching her lower jaw. Finally,that kiss happened and everything stopped for them.
Of course, Nobara rushed in again but this time they didn't stop kissing.
She just smiled and pulled Maki and Yuji to the door so they can tease them later.

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