Prologue: A new start

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So, you want to hear another story, huh? One where the very fate of Pandora hangs in the balance? If not, too bad - I'm telling you anyway.

First, there was the Vault, an alien prison opened with a mystical key. To the warriors who opened it, the Vault was just a container of tentacles and disappointment. They vanished into the wastelands, certain that the Vault held no treasure at all.

They were wrong.

The Vault's opening triggered the growth of Eridium, a priceless alien element. Soon, the rare and valuable mineral emerged all across Pandora. Its appearance attracted many.

Including... the Hyperion corporation. They came to Pandora to mine Eridium, and bring order to the savage planet. Through their excavations, Hyperion uncovered evidence of an even greater Vault. Their leader vowed to find it - to use its power to civilize the Borderlands once and for all. But Hyperion weren't the only ones searching for the next Vault's alien power.

The call of danger and loot is not so easily resisted. Certain warriors came to Pandora in droves to uncover its hidden secrets. Some would call them adventurers. Others call them fools. But I... call them Vault Hunters.

Our story begins with them and with a man named Handsome Jack...

But our story adds a group of heroes... A couple teenagers and robots wielding amazing powers like the Ether Gear in the borderlands unlike any other!

This is the story of a birthing Legend among the Borderlands...


*Narrator POV* 

In a normal looking town, one not destroyed or pieced together by random scrap like a certain planet, we find a young man by the name of Y/N L/N and we find him walking down a street with several bags of groceries in his hands.

Y/N reaches his destination, which was his home, and enters the house as it was empty. Y/N enters the kitchen and places the bags of groceries on the table until he takes a look at a nearby picture frame with a photo of a younger version of himself and two adults with him. 

Who they are, you ask? Well, it's quite simple. The two adults were Y/N's parents, and to answer another question. They are no longer around due to an accident that happened years ago, leaving Y/N by himself with no other living family member to take care of him. Y/N stares at the photo for a few minutes longer as he feels sadness and loneliness without his parents.

Placing the photo down, (Y/N) puts away his groceries as he sets up what he needs to make dinner for himself, but quickly sets up his gaming system nearby with his favorite video game, Borderlands 2, which he's replayed several times with the other Borderlands games. 

He also got Netflix up to watch his recently new anime, Edens Zero. A space version of Fairy Tail, ever since it came out he was amazed with the graphics and the character designs that made Edens Zero look almost identical to Fairy Tail. 

Once making his dinner, and both playing and watching a few hours on his game and anime, Y/N finishes both activities and readies himself for bed and lays down. Y/N feels his eyes slowly gain heaviness and lies quiet as he starts dreaming of a new life.

The Next Morning

Y/N walks around the town until he catches a sight, he didn't want to see...

Y/N's thoughts: (groans) Ah, fuck... I just had to see them, huh?

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