Chapter 2: Left for Dead... NOT!!!

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*Train Debris, Windshear Waste, Pandora*

Y/N's POV: 

After feeling that explosion, I don't even know how I survived that, let alone survive anything being thrown at me in just a short amount of time. This place is weird as fuck, but whatever, I guess.

I tried getting up, but I felt something heavy on me. I thought it was a piece of the train holding me down and I tried pushing it off, but I felt something soft in my grasp.

Y/N's thoughts: Oh sweet fucking Jesus. It better not be what I think, or who, it is.

I looked up from the ground and saw Gaige on top of me, and I slowly looked where my hand was, and gave a sigh of relief when I saw my hand was on her arm.

Y/N's thoughts: Thank fucking God. This would have been so fucking awkward if my hand was anywhere else...

As Gaige was asleep or rather unconscious, I couldn't help but found her rather cute.

Y/N's thoughts: The way she's asleep is cute. (realized, shakes head) Wait, wait, wait! What am I thinking?! I barely know her!

I hear some sounds of groaning and saw Gaige slowly waking up. She opened her eyes and saw me awake, well I had the helmet on, and thank God she didn't because I was blushing under my helmet remembering the position we were in.

Gaige: Oh, hi there.

Y/N: (blush) Umm... Hi.

Gaige: (confused) What's wrong? 

Y/N: (blush) Gaige... the position we're in... um...

Gagie was confused still, but noticed how we were, and she jumped off me and backwards on her ass and she held a slight hue of pink on her cheeks.

Gagie: (blush) I'm s-so sorry. I-I-I didn't know...

Y/N: It's f-fine. We were both knocked out, so we didn't know.

I stood up and brushed myself off and walked over to Gaige. I extended my hand to her to help her up. Gaige took my hand, and I hoisted her up onto her feet and I guess I pulled her rather close as her face was right in front of my helmet.

 I saw her blush grew slightly darker and my own blush was becoming the same until I let her hand go as I cleared my throat.

Y/N: Yeah... um... (looks around) I guess the others are spread out from us and must've walked off.

Gaige: Yeah, probably. 

Suddenly, we heard footsteps as we saw Zer0 approaching us.

Zer0: My, my./ You two have survived the crash as well./ How fortune.

Y/N: Zer0! I'm glad you're okay. 

Gagie: Me too. Are the others with you as well?

Zer0: Negative. 

Y/N: (sighs) Well that sucks. 

Gaige: (looks down, finds weapons) Hey guys, I found our gu- Oh...

Y/N: What? (looks over) Oh...

We only said that because the weapons we had before were now destroyed beyond repair.

Zer0: Our weapons have been destroyed./ Probably during the train crash./ What a shame.

Y/N: Well shit... What now?

Gaige was about to answer until we both heard a rather annoying voice. Enough for us to get close enough to groan in annoyance, but no idea why. 

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