Chapter 7: Getting to Sanctuary

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*Three Horns Divide, Pandora*


After hours on end sailing through the icy waters, we made it to what I can believe to be Three Horns Divide, which is close to Sanctuary. 

"The only place where we can truly be safe," as Angel described at first. The eight of us left Claptrap's ship before he started talking about his welcoming party or whatever.

Gaige: A welcoming party... Who'd want to go to Claptrap's welcoming party?

Y/N: Eh, if he somehow had food and alcohol there, I could care less.

Maya: That does sound good right about now.

Shiki: I want to be apart of Claptrap's party!

Rebecca: I don't think you'll like it.

Happy: Me too.

That was wholeheartedly agreed upon until he heard heavy vehicles driving above us, until one vehicle jumped over a bridge before destroying it. We had to jump backwards before the bridge debris could turn us into pancakes.

Y/N: Fucking hell, that was close. (looks at my friends) You guys alright?

Zer0: I am fine. 

Maya: I'm good.

Gaige: Phew... That was close. I'm okay.

Shiki: What was that about?


Rebecca: Was that a vehicle? 

I helped Maya and Gaige onto their feet until we heard voices from the ECHO.

??? ECHO: Sanctuary's off limits! You Bloodshots can stay in your hole!

Bloodshot Bandit ECHO: I SEEEEEE YOUUUUU!!!

??? ECHO: (sigh, sarcastic) Awesome... Why don't you boys run on back to your camp?

Bloodshot Bandit: Oh, good idea! I think we'll just turn around and head back to our- DIIIIIIE!!!!!!!

We merely gave off a sigh knowing that was going to be the answer. As if a Bandit was gonna go back to their camp just because you asked nicely about it.

Angel: Pandora is a violent and dangerous place. Sanctuary is... slightly less so. You'll need a car to reach the city gate. Get to the Catch-A-Ride.

Y/N: Okay, ya heard the girl. Let's get to this "Catch-A-Ride."

Gaige: She's an A.I.

Y/N: A.I. or not, Angel's still a girl regardless.

Angel: Thank you.

Y/N: Anytime, Angel.

Moving past the broken bridge, there were bullymongs waiting for us. There was a Badass bullymong among them until, in a split second, the bullymongs were quickly, and cleanly, taken out by Zer0. 

Krieg: AWW! NO FAIR!

Zer0: You were too slow./For a psycho./Sorry if I didn't save a few.

Shiki: Assassins are awesome!

Zer0: (thumbs up emoji) Your complement is appreciated.  

We moved along the path, and having to deal with more bullymongs, we came across a nearby bandit camp and ahead on the ground looked like some car lifts you normally see in mechanic shops and a console to probably call the cars in.

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