Chapter 14: What's in the box?

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Weisz: Now, do you want to tell me why are you trespassing inside my home? 

Rebecca: Li-- Like I said, we came to see Professor Weisz. 

Weisz: Huh. I see it now. You work for Sibir.

Y/N: (confused) Sibir?

Maya: Who's that? 

Weisz: If you leave right now, I'll agree to spare your lives. 

Happy: Rebecca...

Weisz: Get out of here. 

Axton: (scoffs) You think we would take threats from you?

Salvador: Nice try, pal. 

Weisz: You think I'm joking? I'm holding a gun and-

He was cut off when Y/N and the Vault Hunters pointed their guns at him. 

Weisz: (surprised) Okay... I didn't expect you to be heavily armed. 

Gaige: That's right! Now where is the real Professor, imposter?!

Weisz: Imposter?!

Shiki: (hears something) Hang on just a sec. (puts on the X-ray goggles)

Weisz: Excuse me? 

Maya: What's up? 

Shiki: (looks up) There's somebody on the second floor.

Weisz: Hey, wait! Those are my goggles! (realized) Shit. 

Suddenly, someone on the second floor starts to open fire through the floor, trying to hit Weisz and the others. 

Y/N: What the hell?!

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Y/N: What the hell?!

Axton: A surprise attack!

Shiki uses his Gravity Ether Gear to go on the ceiling which surprised Weisz, he then sees the man firing an assault rifle.

Shiki: There you are. Magimech Attack Gravity Fist!

He punches through the second floor and knocks the man up flying and screaming. 

Happy: Nice one!

During the chaos of the gunfire and Shiki's gravity ether gear Weisz uses the smoke as an opportunity to escape on his motorcycle and rides off.

Rebecca: What's going on?

Gaige: Hey, he's getting away! 


Shiki: (lands on the ground while holding the man) Did he just stop and run away? 

Y/N: Looks like it. 

Assassin: (grunts) Are you guys with Weisz?

Axton: (turns to him) Huh? What's it to you? 

Assassin: (smirk) Well, the next time you see him, deliver this message. Sibir the Mighty despises traitors with a passion. 

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