Jon Moxley - Friends (F)

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"Tatum!" I heard my friend yell from across the training room.

I didn't ignore him per say because I knew he'd walk over to me and I don't stop my training for anyone. I'm sure the pads wouldn't mind the break though.

"What?" I asked when Jon walked over to me.

"Come to my house tonight." he said as I hit the pads.


"You heard me." he groaned, rubbing his hand over his head.

"I thought you said you didn't wanna do this anymore?" I asked, not stopping to look at him.

"I did ... I do ... that's not why ... damn it, will you just stop for a second and look at me." he growled.

"You know I don't stop training for anyone." I grumbled.

"Tate ..."

"What is it, Mox?" I asked, stopping to turn and look at him.

"Just come over tonight." he said.

"I don't hear a question and I'm very confused right now."

"I just wanna hang. We hang out and it's cool." he said.

"You wanna hang, you just don't want the sex?" I asked.

Jon Moxley and I have been FWB for a long time now, we've been just friends for a lot longer than that. He's a good friend and we used to just hang out without having sex. He came to me a few weeks ago and said that he didn't wanna continue the benefits part of our friendship and I totally understood. We promised each other that we'd keep things 100 all of the time and we did.

Not to say that I wasn't disappointed that things were stopping but he's a good friend and I didn't wanna lose that. I'm just confused about this sudden sort of invitation because he's made quite sure not to be alone with me since he decided he didn't wanna have sex. Men are confusing no matter how much they say women are the more confusing ones.

"Yeah, I just wanna hang out." he said.

"Who else is gonna be there?" I asked him.

"No one, why would someone else be there?"

"Mox, by your own doing we haven't been alone anywhere for the past few weeks since we stopped having sex." I said before drinking some water.

"Can you not ... that's not true." he argued, looking around us.

"Yes, it is. You haven't wanted to be alone with me so I assumed there would be other people there."

"Well no, it's just gonna be us like old times." he said.

"Um, okay, sure. See you later." I muttered when he smiled and walked away.

I looked at him and considered myself perplexed. Then again, Jon Moxley is one of the most confusing men in my life. He has the emotional range of a 5-year-old and bounces from one thing to the next at any given time with no notice.

"What the hell was that?" My friend Britt asked.

"Honestly, I have no idea. He's been avoiding me for a few weeks and suddenly he invites me to his house. I'm confusion." I told her.

"Adam said the guys were ragging on him."

"About what?"

"You." she smiled.

"Why would they do that?" I asked.

"Because ever since you two stopped hanging out, he's been permanently crabby. You'd think he just went through a bad breakup." she giggled.

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