Chapter 17

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Christmas arrived and we couldn't be happier. Christmas at Xavier school was always like something out of a movie.

Christmas music playing on the background all the time, flashing lights everywhere, hot chocolate for everyone and of course Ororo's fantastic Christmas recipes.

This is the second time in my life to celebrate Christmas. Christmas with my family had no difference from the rest of the rest of the year and at the orphanage it was even worst because every kid around was reminded that they had no family to celebrate it with.

I didn't mind since I never had one but now is my favourite celebration.

We were all now gathered to the huge living room where we had the biggest Christmas tree that reached to the ceiling and was decorated with colorful ornaments and small lights. At the top a beautiful angel was placed with a white dress and golden wings and halo.

We all sat at different places into the living room either in sofas or in armchair. Scott sat alone next to the fire place talking to Alex by the phone.

I sat with Amara,Jubilee and Jean.

Sadly this was our last day together. Everyone is going to the airport tomorrow to spend holidays with their families.

Everyone will be gone tomorrow except from me,Scott,Rogue,Mr.McCoy,the Professor and Logan.

Evan,Jean and Kurt offered us to spend Christmas with their families but we had a hard time making a choice so we denied. We are gonna spend Christmas here just like last year.

Anyway, Since this year we are a lot of people in the Xavier school we decided to make a lot so that everyone could get one gift from one person.

Secret santa thingy.

I got Ray.

Finding out what to get Ray was an easy task. He talks about that new video game all the time. So I went to the store and bought it for him.

I haven't told him yet that I have his gift but I will have to eventually.

Because this was our last day together everyone was exchanging gifts.

Jean handed Jubilee her gift and she wasted no time to unwrap it.

"Jean it's so cute! Thank you!" Jubilee said as she held up the necklace that Jean gifted her.

It was golden with a little charm shaped as a star with small bright yellow diamond on it.


"Thank you so much Jean" She said again wrapping the small jewel around her neck.

"Your very welcome" Jean said flattered and also proud of her gift choice.

"Then I guess it's my turn" Jubilee said as she pulled out a gift box and handed it to Amara.

"You! It was you and you didn't tell me!?" Amara shouted in surprise but also in excitement.

"It wouldn't have been a surprise if i told you it was me" Jubilee told her as Amara opened the box and pulled out a bright red dress.

She almost screamed in joy when she saw the piece of clothing.

"I can't believe you remembered! It's the dress I saw at the store but couldn't afford it. Jub you are the best!!" She cried in happiness and hugged Jubilee along with the dress.

I didn't take a really good look at it but it probably reached just up the knees, it is kind tight, and has lace at the sleeves but other than that i couldn't make anything else out.

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