Part III

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      It was unidentified as to how or what possessed young Elizabeth for her to suddenly find herself in between her mother and this young tyrannous oppressor of a man who crossed the seas to terrorize her and her people once again. As if their lives in the New World was not enough.

"Let go of her!" Elizabeth gripped his arm in attempt to loosen or completely set his hand off of her own mother who just as well was putting up a fight.

It was a tumult which seemed to annoy the young British man even further. "Do not be a nuisance and get inside!"

"No!" Thandiwe exclaimed maybe a little too courageously. "You will free my son of your captivity and leave this place!"

"Edward!" A foreign voice called from afar. They all looked to see a much older man stomping his way towards them rather furiously with a handgun pointing at the two women. He was dressed in the same uniforms as the rest except the ends of his coat had a strand of white and held various countless badges on his right and left chest with a black topped hat.

"General", the young man who was now identified as Edward loosened his hands around theirs, causing Thandiwe to flee away and towards the exact enclosure Elizabeth had seen a minute ago, yet before she could take a fifth step, the General turned his handgun towards her and pulled the trigger, a loud deafening explosion of sound echoing in Elizabeth's head.

Thandiwe immediately fell to the ground in a second, her body fell so lightly like a feather. She fell to her right and blood trickled from her head. Elizabeth stared at her body in disbelief watching as her mothers eyes lifelessly gazed at her. Blood spreading from below her head from the place of where she received the bullet.

Her initial thought was to run to her and wake her up but before she could do so, she herself received another blow to the head by the end of the gun, not enough to kill her but sufficient to make her quiet down for at least an hour or two.

The damsel fell to the ground, feeling loss of consciousness as her eyes stared directly at her mothers dead body ahead of her, catching sight of her brother in the enclosure hitting the bars and screaming for his mother.

"Mother?" She said looking at her as her eyelids began to close her eyes shut. The small whisper of a call did not reach her mother. She did not respond, the only thing that moved was the red liquid and that was towards her.

And suddenly, all the noise and gunshots went silent, she could hear nothing yet she could feel as Edward grabbed her right leg to drag her into another enclosure before everything went black.


Blood. Blood. Blood. More blood.

Elizabeth tried to rid the liquid off her hands by wiping her palms against her gown.

Blood again.

She wiped and wiped. The blood did not seem to end. She wiped yet again and desperately, still nothing. She wiped. Nothing. She finally wiped for the hundredth time and her hands were clean.

She panted breathlessly before looking around at the room she now noticed. It was unfamiliar to her. The walls and floors were wooden, as well as the door which stayed closed. There was not a single window on the walls. She alone occupied the space alongside the sounds of her heavy breathing.

Except, those weren't the only things in the room. On her left, there was a small bed, a linen over it neatly as someone lay asleep underneath. She stared at it before looking around the room one last time for answers as to where she truly was, yet just like before, there was nothing or any item of identification.

The Ember In The Storm  (undergoing editing)Where stories live. Discover now