Chapter 11: Accost

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    JACKSON strode along the forest on his horse, its shoes stepping onto the dry leaves and making a crunch under its feet. Roman followed behind.

The two men had not shared a word upon leaving Romans house. Actually, Roman had said a thing or two, such as 'I am sorry' and 'where are we going?'

His question was answered as he noticed they were using the shortcut to the campsite. He had been watching and observing his General from the moment they left his home. He seemed much different now, confused in whether in a good or bad way. Whatever it was, his wife's death did something to him.

He respected boundaries, not just because he was his General. Jackson just found out his wife was pregnant and she died immediately. The past week had been a roller coaster for the both of them, Roman was aware. The two seemed like young children who just learnt what love was. Or maybe truly that was what they were.

He had recalled leaving for the needles and threads with his wife earlier to stitch Elizabeth's wound up. The couple ran around the room like they were looking for lost treasure. However, as they did find the two, they ran back to the room and before they could open the door, they heard shoutings.

Roman stopped his wife, walking oblivious from behind him with nothing in mind but getting into the room. She hit his back and she looked up at him in confusion as to why he put his wall of a body in front of the door, blocking the whole way.


"Shhh", he put a finger to his lips, asking for her to be quiet. "I think the two are in a fight, I hear shouting".

"A fight?" Isabella asked in confusion, leaning the side of her head onto the door, listening in. She could hear Jackson's voice booming. 

"Do not utter such ill words! You are fine, you will be fine!" He exclaimed to her. The couple outside wondered what the fuss was all about.

"Jackson look at me!" Elizabeth said, she sounded like she wanted to cry but held it In because of needing to prove a point. "I look like death. I even smell like it. I have lost too much blood and it would be a miracle if I last another two hours".

Isabella bit the inside of her cheek, lifting her head high a little to look at Roman who was just as well doing what she was. He looked worried, just as she.

"No, no, no", Jackson responded, his voice softening in plea. "Why do you want to let yourself die? Th-think about the things we can get to do together, Elizabeth. Family. We can grow a family together, you want that, do you not?"

"Roman", Isabella removed her head from the door, feeling nothing but pity for the two. "What is she talking about?" She knew what Elizabeth was talking about, she was just needing Roman to tell her she was hallucinating. Elizabeth wanted to let herself die. What was she thinking? That was a practical suicide. Albeit, there would still be nothing to help her survive this.

Isabella knew this and was just trying to at least make Elizabeth live for an extra hour or two. She had been dead before she stepped into the house. There was no way of saving her, Elizabeth was not giving up on life, she was simply saying aloud what everyone else could not.

"I have no idea but I think it will be wise of us to leave them be for the moment, they need time to talk it over—"

"What? But no, Roman. Can you not hear her?" Isabella whispered. "She is going to die, sh-she is letting herself die". Still, Isabella persisted on helping the strange woman. She grabbed onto the doorknob. "I need to help her".

Roman pulled her back.

"That would be an unwise idea, dearest. I do not mean for her to die either, Elizabeth is a wonderful woman. Just that she and the General are married and sometimes married people need space to talk things out, you know that", he raised his brows at her, reminding them of the times they too argued over a few things. Isabella frowned and crossed her arms, something she did whenever her husband was right in an argument.

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