Part III

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Jackson was never one who enjoyed visiting homes of others, most especially family homes. They held a weird sense of peace and love to it and he felt odd. Like some kind of misplacement, as if he was ruining it. Considering his tragic life, he found himself to be one who was needed in the harsh environments of home.

A man like he was not to be seated in the living room drinking hot soup opposite a loving couple.

Jackson brought the silver spoon close to his mouth, drinking down the hot chicken soup slowly. Roman sat across from him too with a bowl in his hands, his wife a foot from him, only holding a sweet smile as she had her legs crossed.

"It is an honor having you in my house, General Anderson", she smiled at him softly. She did not look much older than he, perhaps the same age as Vaughn. She had curled brunette hair falling to her shoulders effortlessly, a rotund small body and good body posture. Her face was pale but cheeks strawberry pink. She dressed modestly with no corset, only a gray gown and white apron around her waist which was paired with a bonnet over her head.

She was quite beautiful and held a polite personality, her pale pink lips smiled at him formally as she placed a hand over her growing girth. Jackson had to keep his eyes away from staring too much at the unmentioned elephant in the room. Roman had never announced to him that he was yet to be a father.

Isabella—as she had been introduced to him— seemed like an opposite person compared to her husband. She was much welcoming and thoughtful whereas Roman would look menacing on first glance.

"No, it is my pleasure meeting Romans wife, I appreciate the warm welcome. Happy anniversary, by the way. I apologize for not bringing a gift, I had only learnt of it an hour ago".

She chuckled throwing her hand in the air at his words. "Your presence is enough much of a gift. Roman here speaks a lot about you the times he visits", she covered the left side of her face and inched closer to him, as if doing this would make her husband not hear her words.

"Love, do not exaggerate it", Roman grinned at her. She turned her head and smiled up at him.

Jesus Christ, Jackson thought. The intimate tension was suffocating him. He rolled his eyes to anything across the room and landed on a blue crib siting at the end of where he was. It was wooden and painted blue, new to the sight and inside a few toys were thrown.

"A boy?" Jackson thought to himself, however loud enough for the other two to hear before turning their head.

Isabella chuckled a little. "Yes, well we are positive it will be a boy", she said with a little embarrassment. Actually, her mother made it positive to her that it would be a boy considering just how beautiful she still looked and her responses to most food or smells. After all, her and her husband had been praying for a son first, one to be as strong as he and just as courageous to keep his mother safe.

"Oh, I see", Jackson murmured still gazing at the crib.

"Do you have children?" She asked curiously.

"Bella", her husband faced her quickly at the personal question. Jackson smiled and raised his hand, showing it was alright for her to ask.

"I look like it?"

"Well, not exactly. But telling from your eyes and the way you look at the crib, I see it someone who loves family".

"My only family is my brother", he corrected. "And—" he stopped himself, wondering if Elizabeth was one to be considered as family. Yes, she was his wife but... family?

Jackson stared down into his bowl, watching a small piece of a chicken breast float at the top. He was confused by his feelings towards her. Eventually, at some point in their lives, they would have to make a family. It was just marital duty. Apart from it being that, would it be anything more intimate? He was unsure. As the days went by, his feelings towards her grew much more differently from his first sight of her.

The Ember In The Storm  (undergoing editing)Where stories live. Discover now