Part III

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    "How are you holding up!?"

"Had worse!" Jackson exclaimed through the wind towards Roman dashing ahead of him. He had asked that question at least three times and he responded the same thing.

Roman even made sure to have himself ahead of him in case anything provoking happened. Sean was instructed to stay behind with his horse, watching the General if he showed any signs of weary.

Yet as far as he had seen it, the young man was holding up better than he himself was. He was never one who was used to having his horse race with the wind. The briskness of it all had him regurgitating his last lunch twice already.

"Sean, boy, how are you doing back there!?" Jackson turned his head behind for a second to see the young man on his tail.

He quickly composed himself and forced a smile. "Never been better!"

Of course he would say that, anything to please the General and not make him think he was a wuss.

Jackson smiled at that and turned back ahead, seeing the Court House appear on their view and the road getting crowded.

Their horses slowed down, Jackson's jacket falling to his sides now instead of flowing back from the wind as before.

The two men were able to catch up with Roman, letting their horses give small strides along the people. Most were passing through, heading towards the market or wherever in their carriages.

Most of the crowd was of the people waiting heading towards the Execution Center, aware of Luke's coming punishment.

"We are not late, are we?" Sean faced the two men in wonder.

Roman reached into his coat pockets, taking out his watch and staring at it for a second before pushing it back inside. "About fifteen minutes to go, you still have time, sir", he faced Jackson just as they arrived outside the gates of the Court House.

Jumping off their horses, Roman reached for the reins of his General's horse, holding onto his own as well.

"Are you really positive you need to do this?" Sean finally spoke, the question having bothering him for a while.

"Sean!" Roman warned facing him, not enjoying the question the slightest.

Jackson lifted a hand for him to not act upon it, finding it a sensible question in fact. "No, he is right. This is stupid, but he is my brother, I feel the responsibility of keeping him safe no matter his sins".

"And..." Roman stopped himself, hesitant on whether to continue his question, Jackson signaled for him to continue, "what if he refuses to do as you say?"

Jackson had already considered the possibility of that. "We'll let the law take its course." Still, it was an position he hoped would not occur.

The two men nodded for the General's leave, watching him turn and make his way past the guard standing inside the gate. Everyone had known who he was by now, so he let him in with a salute of the hand and no question.

Two other soldiers stood at the entrance of the Court House, they murmured to each other for who he was until he reached them, finally getting a better look of his face.

"General Anderson?" One said in surprise. "You are..." he failed to continue.

"I hear Luke is being held here, true?"

"Yes, that is true." They looked at each other. "In fact, Lieutenant Magnus is with him right now".

"Is he? Please, take me to them now", Jackson demanded, knowing he had little to no time.

The Ember In The Storm  (undergoing editing)Where stories live. Discover now