Part III

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     Hours posterior to the couples bodily physical intimacy had been warm. That night had been the most honest and comfortable the man and wife had ever been with each other.

Subsequently their love making, Jackson and Elizabeth held their bodies close to each other, she laying on his right shoulder and a leg over his. She drew sweet nothings over his chest and listened to both the beating of his heart under her ear and to his voice. They shared a back and forth conversation about everything and nothing and to them, that felt even much more intimate than their coitus.

"I do not know, I am not a fan of the rain", Elizabeth admitted, lifting her head to see his face after he had asked her about why she did not favor the rainy seasons.

"Why so? The rain helps with the crops for harvest", he said, thinking that maybe considering her experience on the field, she would have loved the season. Then and winter was when they rarely worked.

"As a young girl, the thunders and lightning terrified me", she scrunched her nose. He opened his mouth in understanding, wondering why he had not thought of that earlier. Many people did not like the thundering sounds.

"And now?" He raised a brow.

"Not as much", she grinned proudly, laying her head back down on him. She liked that position, he did too. He caressed his thumb against her bare back. Her skin was warm and soft against his and he internally hoped that could be how their bodies would be for the coming weeks—months, no, years. For the rest of his life with her.

Eventually, Elizabeth's sentences began to be unclear and her voice sloppy. She was low and eventually, she stopped talking. It was when he heard the wheezing that he had realized she had fallen asleep.

However for Jackson, he was not tired and spent an hour more of the night staring into the abyss thoughtfully. He thought of Elizabeth and the war. Those were the only things that occupied a mind of a man like him. Besides that, he had nothing much of relevance.

After the war was over, Jackson had planned on perhaps remarrying Elizabeth in the right manner no matter what society thought. They were both still young and could remarry. All that could determine when they would be able to do so was the war.

Having known the following day would be a Monday, Jackson was aware of the many schedules he would have to deal with.

He turned his head towards the maps and papers laying on his desk, needing to be seated on his stool and working. He slowly removed his shoulder from underneath her head and was about to step out of bed before he felt a sudden pull from his hand.

Jackson looked behind and saw Elizabeth lifting her head slightly with eyes partially closed, firmly holding onto his arm. "Are you leaving again?" It almost sounded like a whisper.

"No", he smiled, laying back next to her. She gave a frail smile and lay on his right chest, wrapping one hand over his torso. Her hair hid half of his face, giving his mouth an itchy feeling until he brushed it down.

Even after it was far from his face, he still caressed and felt its kink texture against his own palms. This movement was soothing both he and her and thus he eventually found his eyes heaving and head falling to the side. He was warm, the sheets of linen over them and Elizabeth breathing and wheezing under his chin. At that moment, Jackson finally learnt what utter satisfaction felt like.

The pit of darkness and hopelessness within him felt.... Gone. He felt genuinely happy and as disturbing as it may have looked to most, he began to laugh.

It was uncontrollable and nearly too loud. He threw his head to his left and placed a hand over his mouth to muffle the sounds. This made him laugh a little bit more that his eyes released tears. Jackson wanted to stop, he could not remember the last time a laugh felt as carefree and lifting as this.

The Ember In The Storm  (undergoing editing)Where stories live. Discover now