Part II

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      New York was a capital city of various numerous things. People always came there whenever they needed a change in life. A change of poverty to wealth or at times even vise versa. If not used well, you could end up poor, used or just dead.

If you wanted money, New York was the place. If you wanted to see royalty, New York was the place. If you wanted slaves, New York was the place. It held everything one could ask for. If you wanted to be a part of the war, New York was the place, you just had to head to the East of New York for a better view of what humans were truly like. They were animals that hungered for war.

This however was something young Mr. Anderson was much exhausted from. Days of meetings and fights against a problem that would last eternity, one would eventually be bored of it, which he was.

During the nights in which he returned home early, the young man would have a drink or two in his room with a responsible mind. However, the night before was different due to his knowledge of the following day being a Sunday, a day in which he was rarely needed for anything or worked, consequently, he drank to the fullest his stomach could hold.

If one could see just how much of a mess he was, they would believe the liquid in his body was eighty percent alcohol. It was irresponsible and shameless.

The young Generals subordinates had grown used to his drinking and knew the do's and do not's of when he was ever in such a condition, such as 'do not talk to me'.

So when he continuously punched the walls last night, they new better than to just ignore it and mind their businesses. This was something easy for them to do but ever since the visit paid by Captain Oneye, the Generals temper was unbearable.

Considering Oneye was a resident of the small town Richmond, he was able to report the tragic events of the two days after his departure. From the burning of the Anderson farm and Mansion to the small battles within the street. Slaves and residents captured and slaughtered.

Jackson had asked of his brothers whereabouts but the old Captain had not seen his body anywhere, dead or alive. He also wanted to ask of Elizabeth but resisted for two reasons;

One, because Luke probably made sure to put she and Vaughn's safety first and so he loved to believe she was somewhere safe such as their other mansions in other towns.

And finally, Oneye probably had no idea who she was so even if he asked about her with clear description, he would only shake his head at ever seeing her and silently wonder why a slave girl bothered him.

Four days had elapsed since the visit and he was concerned of his townspeople who had survived through and yet Elizabeth once more. Traces of his brother and Vaughn were not clear and he wondered if they were alive or dead by the hours.

Just as the previous night, the thought had him drowning and suffocating. He trusted his brother enough to know he had done something sensible and reasonable. Yet at times Luke confused sense with stupidity.

Jackson sat on the side of his bed in nothing but a bottom undergarment, rubbing his temples in pain from the morning after drunkenness. He could feel the pain beating hard against his muscles.

He reached for the glass of water he kept by the drawer every night, gulping half of the remaining water in one go.

His bare feet touched the wooden floors and it felt like a shock through his body... he groaned silently before getting to his feet, standing like a toddler on his first try.

It had only been two minutes since he had risen and he was already feeling sick. He opened the windows and glared outside at nothing but the green large trees. He was still trying to get used to the view as his eyes had grown accustomed to seeing buildings and a larger number of people working outside from his high bedroom floor.

The Ember In The Storm  (undergoing editing)Where stories live. Discover now