The lore of the four kingdoms.

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The earliest wolves were called the originals

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The earliest wolves were called the originals. The originals started out as four-legged creatures who lived by honor, had patience, valued virtue, and believed in devotion. They had a code of conduct, a set of rules they lived by, and morals they upheld. Their lives, they considered divine gifts. They'd been mere defenceless creatures of the wild, harassed and chased, fighting for survival, to make it through another day. But despite hardships, their devotion and respect for nature were something they prided themselves on. This conduct of theirs was rewarded with a boon-a boon for a better life and a prospect for much more.

" Your spirit shall guide you, follow where your instincts lead, and there you shall find a better life, a purpose."

The heavens had spoken after the pain had passed. They called these words the divine prophecy, the first of many that they were to witness. The wolves had lain on the ground, writhing, for hours before it all had subsided. Gone was the fur that kept them warm. Instead of their four limbs, the wolves found themselves capable of standing on two, they learned to use their forelimbs and learned to hunt anew.

Settling into the new life was different, but it was what they'd been given. It took them time to understand what their capabilities were and how much they could do. It was due to this that the first time one of the wolves had been able to turn back to their old form at will and return to their gifted form, the creatures had rejoiced. Another night of the holy full moon, they'd paid their respects and expressed their gratitude. They called this 'the shifting', and thus emerged the tradition of shifting on full moons and howling to express their eternal gratitude.

It is said that there were four elders. These were those who had been chosen, for they felt the strongest pull and had to take on the mighty responsibility of shouldering the actions as instructed by the prophecy. They'd taken their respective paths, followed their instincts, and dispersed in different directions, allowing themselves to be guided by their spirits. Each of the elders had found an energy spot, where, following their instincts, they'd first interacted with the energy and gained wisdom. No one knew what they'd learned, but their actions gained them respect and followers. They each laid the foundations of their respective kingdoms.

Them, interacting with 'the energy' bestowed them with more powers. With time, it was seen that each kingdom and its people presented an affinity for a form of power, and the descendants of the elders always had more power than the others.

The Northern kingdom- Ilanya (eel-anh-hya) specialised in controlling water and all things fluid.

The Southern kingdom - Tehmun (tae-mun) prided itself on elements of the land.

The Eastern kingdom- Neve(ni-vi) favored nature.

The Western kingdom- Nuria (noo-ria), presented an affinity for fire and light.

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