Chapter 14

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Jungkook had lost count of time while he sat cocooned in blankets in his chambers. He felt he had relatively calmed down, but someone tugging on his blankets from the outside was what caused his melancholy to awash him anew.

His eyes were starting to feel heavy, and breathing had started to become difficult. The surroundings were fading in and out, but once the blanket was off him, he saw who it was.


The elder signaled him towards himself, he had something in his hand. The older removed the bejeweled and embroidered attire the younger man was in and handed him what resembled Jungkook's old clothes. At least the material of the clothes provided him with some comfort. All too confused to question the others intentions, Jungkook changed into the clothes he'd been provided and followed behind the elder, who very carefully checked before every turn and every couple of steps.

Tears that had so been held at bay fell unbridled from the eyes of the younger when they walked through the gate. He could smell the freshness before he could even see it. They had walked into an area full of lush green trees. There was moss covering the ground, a couple of wild bunnies tumbling nearby, and lots of wild shrubs around. The younger had taken a look around, and then Jimin had found himself with an arm full of the younger, who mumbled an uncountable number of 'thank yous' hanging from his neck before he'd detached himself from the elder and given him a watery smile, a pink nose and cheek and swollen eyes, and all, but a wide smile, warm enough to have Jimin feeling warm on the inside.

All evening, the elder had been devising a plan, checking and rechecking to see if he'd known things correctly. It was quite an impulsive, reckless, and dangerous thing to do, but seeing the distressed younger, he wanted to do what little he could do for him, and the happiness that radiated off of the younger made it all worthwhile.

"It is about 4 in the morning, Kook, the guards would shift, so while the change lasts, we have about half an hour to be back to your chambers, and given that your chamber is a bit off the main palace, we have about twenty minutes at hand. Don't go right, the clearing thins out, on the left are the shrub mazes, and straight ahead is more overgrowth. This is behind the royal palace; hence the security is a bit lax, but yet I'd prefer that you not wander off too far or make much noise, and now off you go, I'll be on watch." The elder omega says, turning around, standing facing the entrance and the way they'd come from.

Keeping Jimin's words in mind, Jungkook ventured straight towards the overgrowth, he thought he'd spotted something yellow and, trying not to get his hopes too high, he took in a deep breath and allowed himself a moment to unwind among his favorite beings. This wasn't his meadow, but plants here are fighters too. They've lived for long, healed on their own and surely benefited various life forms around them, they were to be equally loved and respected. Venturing into the thicket and prying away tangling branches, the omega ooh-ed and aaah-ed, there were Venus vines, thick and healthy and there were small LaBelle shrubs, a yellow Rosenaria was hidden between the roots of a gigantic Rogenhorn and to his utter surprise there were Tiger lilies too. The plants closely resembled each other; thus, anyone could have been confused, but not Jungkook. These were flowers the Omega was obsessed with.

' Eomma, why does appa only bring you Bleus?'

--'My child, it's his way of saying that he is proud of me and my work.'

'How do I tell you I love you like a lot lot? Can I?'

--'Of course, you can, my bean! Let me think, hmm, you can bring me LaBelles, or Pink Primas, you can bring me Lovendells, there are white Tuuopes as well.'

The child scrunches his nose, ' I do not know all of those flowers, Eomma, how will I ever tell you that I love you a lot lot?'

The older woman smiles at the innocence of her child, 'I already know that you love me a lot lot my bean, you don't need to bring me flowers to show it bub.'

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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