'Unrequited love' (Sugarduo)

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(Forever's POV:)

What have I done wrong to be treated as only a 'friend'?  

I groaned in annoyance and held my head in my hands. Richarlyson was busy kicking his football up and down; giggling as he did. I did my best to smile at him whenever he glanced over at me, because I didn't need him worrying about me when I'm lost in my own dumb thoughts. I'd be sure to love Richarlyson back. I groaned to myself, lowering my head into my arms as I stared at the ground. I hate Phil so much but yet I long to be with him more than ever!

"Papa! Are you okay?! You look like a sad puppy!" I looked up to see them pouting slightly with their arms cross; they were no longer playing football.

"I- Uh... I am fine, how about you stay with Bad for a while? I need to do something." Richarlyson grinned excitedly, their tail moving from side to side; nodding as they bounced around.

"Yay! I can show Dapper my new skills!" I grinned widely at this comment as Richas had been practicing kicky-uppies. Standing up with a low grunt from how sore my back was, I left the Favela with the kid. We were probably walking for about 5 minutes until I finally saw his tall figure up ahead. He appeared to be leaning down and talking to Dapper.

"BADBOYHALO! Hellooo!" Bad turned around and looked at me, smiling.

"Hello Muffin! How can I help you on this fine day?~" He purred quietly as he flicked his tail. I glanced at my child and nudged them gently,

"Richas wanted to have a playdate today and I'm hoping that's not a problem? I got things I need to do." I bent down and ruffled their hair playfully. Dapper got excited and turned to look at Bad; tugging at his trousers to get his attention. Bad peered down at the kid with the top hat.

"Please Papa! Let them stay!" Bad seemed hesitant at first but sighed,

"I don't see why not! I'd be happy to look after Richas whilst you're busy! I can do your tasks while I'm at it as well!" I smiled and nodded my head,

"Thank you! You're the best, Badboy!" I turned to leave, waving at the trio one last time before walking away and disappearing behind a hill as I continued my travels.

Once I knew I was out of view, I changed my route to in-between the Wall and the Federation building that was nearest to Spawn. I only had hatred for the ugly white building; especially since they copied my design! I'm going to destroy it one of these day; just out of pure spite.

It was only minutes later when I spotted Fit and Ramon up ahead walking nearby Fit's gym. I thought maybe it was best to try get past him but he seemed to be going in the same direction. Okay... Perhaps it was just a coincidence. 

Knowing how heavy I walk, I knew Fit would eventually hear me, and so he did. He jolted in surprise; a look of panic on his expression but he quickly relaxed when realising it was just me. I wasn't sure whether to be offended or not.

"OH!- Oi, Forever! Rare to see you around Spawn. Where are you off to in such a hurry?" My lower lip twitched and I scratched the stubble on my chin in thought.

"I'm just off to go hang out with Phil today!" Fit smiled at this and nodded his head; his bald head shining against the sun's beams.

"Ah, I see. Don't torment the poor old man too much." I cackled softly and ran a hand through my hair. I wasn't too bored or jealous but it was annoying as it foiled my plans that I had all figured out. I hadn't even realised that I was giving a look at Fit to the point my left eye was twitching unnaturally.

"You got something in your eye, Forever?" I froze and rubbed my eyes  quickly to brush it off.

"Uh- Yeah, it's all fine now..." What lies. Fit seemed convinced by this and we continued our way to the wall; Ramon shooting suspicious glances occasionally behind his back at me. I was able to pull him away from continuing by shooting his glances back; smiling slightly because they are a kid still. We were eventually able to find the vines to climb up the wall. With each clamber, I felt my arms ache. Fit seemed to find more ease at it as if he had done this a lot, which made some sense since Phil and Fit are good friends. 

Once I reached the top, I fell to the floor and breathed heavily to catch my breath. Quiet murmurs somewhere on the wall could be heard. It was probably Phil with the two kids. Who else would it be?

"Where is that bird..?" I looked at Fit who started exploring the surroundings. He obviously doesn't know much about Philza's potato farm.

"You tried his farm?" I said and he turned to look at me; sighing,

"of course! I forgot about his potato farm!" I rolled my eyes; I was already bored of him and I could not see why Phil liked hanging out with him SO MUCH. We walked over towards the smell of mud and potatoes.

"Philzaaa!" Fit yelled as he turned to look at us; confused for a second but smiled anyways,

"I'm surprised you're here today! Usually you're busy. I was expecting this guy next to you though." I smiled shyly at Phil, he always makes me so quiet. I couldn't help but look at his crystal blue eyes when he smiled at me; his mouth moving as he said so words to me, yet I was too focused on him to hear him.

"Helloo? Earth to Forever? You ok?" He waved my hand in front of my face and I just smiled at him,

"better now that you're here Phil~" I purred; recieving an eye roll from him. That was enough for me to keep me happy. Fit looked down to his chat and frowned,

"sorry guys. I gotta go, somthing just popped up that I need to deal with. Nice seeing you dude." Fit waved goodbye and Philza smiled sadly.

"Alright mate, nice seeing you too. Shame we couldn't hang out today. Maybe another time?" Fit nodded and smiled,

"most definitely! Bye guys!" He turned and left, Ramon pouting. I turned back to him, smiling.

"Want to go on another fishing date?" Philza sighed,

"Forever, we both know it isn't a "date". You know I don't like you like that." I frowned, knowing he would say that.

"I knew you would say that, Phil. I know you don't like me like that but I will always love you and care for you. When your ill or hurt, when the children are in trouble, when you've had a horrible day; I'll be there." Philza grinned and chuckled softly which had my heart going. God, I can't keep myself calm around him.

"I appreciate it but you really don't have to worry about me so much." I looked at him sadly, suddenly glancing cheekily at him,

"what now..?" He questioned me suspiciously; narrowing his eyes. I reached for his hand as I gripped it tightly as I pulled him towards me and lifted him over my shoulder; giggling slightly as he laughed as well with a mixture of confusion.

"Hey- hey! Put me DOWN!" He laughed hysterically as I ran towards the stairs and began to climb down.

"I think I'm good! Fishing will do you good!" He huffed at me and hit me with his wing playfully. I giggled and placed him down on the ground and he placed his hands on his hips and sighed,

"Forever, I can't!" I pouted and was about to get on my knees before he looked at me in defeat,

"fine... Maybe another day when we aren't busy?" I nodded; ecstatic by the idea that he still wanted to hang out with me.

"Yes, absolutely! Buh-bye!" I turned on my heel and hopped away from him happily

(I'll end it here and hey, I might make another part continuing this in the future <3)

(Stay healthy!)

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