'First moves' (Hideduo)

719 17 14

Pac stared at his hands boredly; the tips of his fingers becoming numb from the cold. He sighed lifting himself up from the lab desk he was sat at, and began adjusting his white lab coat; stained from recent experiments that he just finished with Mike. He paced through the halls; looking for Richarlyson as he has not heard the kid's giggles and shrieks in a good few hours.

"Richas?! Onde voce esta garoto?" ("Richas?! Where are you kid?") Pac looked around and peeked into some rooms, making his way towards his bedroom's hallway.

"Richas? If this is some sort of game to you, it's NOT funny!" Pac screeched, stomping his leg onto the hard wood floor; huffing after a moment of eerie silence at no response in return. He crossed his arms over his chest; shivering as the goosebumps formed across his body. Pac remembered asking Mike to add some heating to ChumeLabs but Mike never got round to it after everything that happened with his kidnapping; that he hasn't got round to nagging him about it again.

"Mikey? Where are you-" Pac slammed open his friend's door; spotting him in his pajamas without his shirt. Pac screeched high and loud enough to wreck a person's eardrums. He covered his eyes and started making retching noises; poking out his tongue.

"EW- EW- PUT A SHIRT ON!" Mike rolled his eyes and pulled it over his head; flattening out any wrinkles on the white shirt he was planning to wear with his basic sweatpants.

"OH MEU DEUS! RELAXAR! Nao e como se voce nunca tivesse me visto assim antes!?" ("OH MY GOD! RELAX! It's not like you haven't seen me like this before!?") Pac poked out his tongue and turned away.

"Yeah! When we were kids...!" Mike groaned and walked over to Pac and began shoving him gently from his shoulder blades towards the door.

"Ok, get out then!" Pac huffed and tried to fight back against his friend's strength. He turned around and was about to open his mouth when the door was slammed in his face.

"Rude..." He muttered, tapping the door gently before walking away in defeat. He huffed, hearing multiple giggles coming from another room down the corridor. His eyebrow twitched curiously as he followed the echoes. Once the noise grew loud enough he found the noise was only coming from one of the rooms. Tiptoeing over nervously, placing an ear on the door as he listened carefully to the voices.

"NO! I want to be them!" Another voice growled and he heard a sudden stomp,

"that's not fair! You were Walter Bob last time!"

"yeah, that's 'cause I am a good Walter Bob!" Pac could hear the sass come from the young voice; their accent hoarse and sharp.

"Ugh, why am I ALWAYS Cucurucho?! RAMON!" He heard a slap and then an angry squeal as the sudden sound of smashing and banging could be heard against the marble floor. Pac was about to pull down the handle and tell the kids off, but was cut off by a heavy voice booming loudly over the kids,

"woah woah! Break it up! Break it up!" Pac took in a deep inhale; his face going pink at the sound of his favourite person speaking in his house! He hesitantly opened the door; rubbing his eyes to renact as if he had just woken up from a nap; successfully concealing the fact he heard the whole fight.

"What's with all the noise-... Oh, oi Fit!" He giggled sleepily as Fit smiled warmly; his attention switching to the smaller male,

"OI PAC! Good to see you, how are ya'?" Pac ran up and pressed himself into a hug with Fit; giggling softly as he felt the other wrap their arms around him gently, being sure not to squish the other. The kids squawked, and were now speaking in their dragon language; little chirps and squeaks which continued with some sneaky giggles that they horribly concealed. Fit and Pac made eye contact and the older rolled his eyes and shook his head,

"kids these days, am I right?" Pac nodded, mimicking the same gesture with a quick eye roll that seemed to amuse Fit. This cause Pac's stomach to go all fuzzy and warm inside as he looked up at the gorgeous man right in front of him.

"Yeah... Kids." Pac clicked his tongue and shook his head from side to side. Fit chuckled softly and patted his friend's back; turning away and throwing himself onto a nearby sofa.

"You alright if I stay for a bit?" He followed Pac with his eyes as they sat down next to him; leaving an awkward space between the two.

"I don't have a choice, do I?" He giggled; smiling like a cheeky kid as he leaned closer; poking Fit's chest to tease him. Fit's cheeks seemed to change as he looked down at the shorter mna; keeping a cocky smirk smothered on his face.

"Nope! We got quests to do, if you forgot!" Fit crossed his arms over his chest, tilted his head back and laughed. 

"I don't mind! What needs to be done?" Pac smiled and slided closer; perhaps coming off as awkward but he just wanted to be nearer to his roommate. Fit didn't seem to mind at all as he was busy checking his "chores" list.

"Says here we gotta' do a sleepover. That does explain why I am here. Silly, goofy bald man; that's what I am!" Fit sniggered and tilted his head back and guffawed. Pac decided to join in with his laughing fit and he soon started coughing aggressively; perhaps he was laughing a little too much. He leaned to his side and rested his head on Fit's shoulder as he felt tears welling up in his eyes; Fit too still laughing obnoxiously.

He patted the smaller man's shoulder and sighed deeply; smiling at Pac.

"Nothing like laughing with your roommate to feel better." Pac giggled quietly before realising the way his friend worded the situation.

"WAIT- Roommate?! And what happened?! OH MEU DEUS!" ("... OH MY GOD!") Pac jumped over to him; which wasn't far but it felt like that to him. His grabbed both of Fit's hands and held them tightly in worry. Fit giggled softly and it almost sounded like he was stuttering,

"n-nah... Don't worry about! Don't worry! I'm ok." He chuckled nervously as his eyes drifted down towards their shared hands; seemingly not noticing until now. His face flushed a bright and bold cherry red. Pac stared at him in confusion and followed his nervous glance. This is where he noticed how they were positioned and the way their hands held eachother.

"I- UH! SORRY!" Pac squeaked loudly as he tried to pull away but he was stopped by a strong, but gentle grip. It was FIt and he was smiling gently at Pac.

"Pac, it's all good. I really don't mind it. Your hands are super warm." Fit gently caressed his hand and smiled at Pac reassuringly. The other giggled at the odd compliment and glanced down at Fit.

"I hope this isn't weird but..."


"Can you lay down?" Fit hesistated but nodded,

"sure thing. Sure thing." Fit did exactly that and laid down on his back. Pac quickly adjusted on laid on top of him; smiling cheekily as he felt Fit's breath hitch suddenly.

"You're really warm too Big Daddy!" He smiled and still kept his hands in Fit's. There was no way they would be bothered as he felt himself drifting off to sleep. It's been a while since he's even thought about rest. He yawned and sighed gently. Fit chuckled softly, kept one of his hand's on Pac's and used the other to rub gentle caresses on his back. After a while, Fit felt himself drifting off; allowing himself to close his eyes as he knew the kids were safe. 

Little did either of them know the little footsteps creaking into the room with Mike that followed after. Richarlyson and Ramon both took pictures and shared them with Mike. They all giggled and left the room as quietly as possible.

(Credits: @genuinesandwich )

(AHH OMGG tysm for the suggestion. These are my favourite duo and pair of roommates!)

[Also thank you so much for 4K+ reads AHHHHH]

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