'Mixed emotions' (Sugarduo)

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Philza was trying to enjoy his day with the kids gone again. It's been a month now and everyone has tried almost everything with the clues the stupid Federation left for them; leading nowhere and more lost than before. At this point, he was giving up and he stopped searching. This surprised some as he is one of the best parents to the kids on the island. He was one of the people who did everything to find the kids but after he was taken hostage by the federation something changed in him; he was more cautious and put off from doing anything to anger the Federation. The Morning Crew weren't happy with what the Federation had done to their dear, old friend; so they wanted to distract him, hoping it would do something to get him back to be the cheeky, old crow. So they sent him a friend. Surprisingly, it wasn't Missa; his "husband". It was Forever.

They sent him because Missa couldn't do it; he was too shy around the man. Roier found this hilarious at the friend he has known for so long to be like this around one guy. Then again, Forever was exactly the same but he could at least say words to the crow. And so that's what he did. 

He used his waystone over to Philza's house on the wall and stormed to his front door; banging it aggressively,

"PHILZA? ARE YOU ALIVE?" He called out, but no reply.

"Phil? Philza Minecraft? FELIPE?!" No reply. Forever grew worried, as he usually replied by now; either in the bunker or in chat. His hand slid on the door handle and his breath shook; footsteps making him flinch.

"Hm, you're early." The man hummed, Forever turned around slowly, his heat skipping a beat at the sight.

It was Philza.

It was him, he's ok.

"PHILZA!" He smiled from cheek to cheek and brought him into a hug. Philza groaned against the affection and pulled him off.

"Careful, I'm filthy- unless you like muck." Forever tilted his head.

"What do you mean? Did you go mining or roll around in the dirt?" The crow rolled his eyes and huffed,

"nah. I think rolling in the dirt is a bit outside of my comfort zone anyways. But, yeah... I went mining." Forever smiled and dusted off his friend's shoulder. Philza found this amusing and couldn't help but snort quietly, causing his heart to skip a beat. The bird man looked him directly in the eyes and Forever couldn't help but hold the eye contact whilst his cheeks flushed a tint of pink. He couldn't help himself when eyes as pretty -no, prettier- than the blue sky were looking at him. Whenever he was given the opportunity, he never let it go.

"Forever? Hello?" Forever gulped and looked away in shame, flashing a quick smile to reassure him that he was in fact, ok. Philza didn't believe his face for one second; sighing and turning away.

"Look, if you can't admit anything and keep lieing to me, even if it's "best" for me; goodbye." and with a whisk Philza walked away, Forever gulping and grabbing his friend's wrist- perhaps too tightly as his friend flicnhed and pulled himself away. Guilt flooded his chest and he dipped his head and sighed,

"sorry... I just wanted to hang out with you. We have been so busy with you exploring and me being... That." Philza snorted and crossed his arms over his chest, raising an eyebrow and smirking. 

"I'm guessing by... "that", you mean being Mr.President and shit." Forever nodded like an eager puppy, finding the word almost weird coming out of the man's mouth.

"Yes, yes. I do! I was also wondering if you would like to go on a... Fishing... Date with... Me...?" His words hesistant but Philza only rolled his eyes,

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