'Standing alone in the rain; heartbroken and cold' (Sugarduo)

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(No-one's POV:)

He couldn't believe it. 

He watched with silent tears as the rain poured, and he felt the cool water run down his already tear-stung face. He watched the way he held him and the way they laughed so easily together. The way they held each other so close, they almost looked unreal. Why is it he loved a man who always disappeared? When he was always there when he could, everyday. No matter what. Why is it, no matter how hard he tried; even changing himself for the man, it never worked. Not once. Not even when he thought he was close to making progress, he was shut down. Forever always assumed he just had a heart of stone; he was playing hard to get. So, why did Missa get the love and affection he worked tirelessly on to get nowhere; compared to a man who appears when he decides it's best for him.

He watched how they swayed effortlessly in each other's arms; chuckling along the way as if they always do this. He knew Philza was missing the kids more than most of the residents combined, yet he still held a smile upon his sad-looking face. He was always able to bring joy wherever he went; no matter the situation. But nobody could ever bring him the happiness he needed. Forever knew this, as he too has been suffering with the missing kids, being president of a hell-born island and even falling in and out of love with those around him. He, too, understood why he was so cautious. 

Philza already had his eyes set.

And Forever knows - no matter how hard he dreams, it wouldn't - he can never change that. Philza loves Missa. Missa loves Philza. It truly hurt the man, deep in his heart to know, he'll never be the one to stare longingly into those eyes of ice that belonged to the bird man. He wished he could hold him close and sway the way lovers do in the rain.

Instead, he's there watching from a distance as muffled cheers and chattering could be heard from the main building being used for the celebrations of Mexican Independence Day. He looked at the building longingly; hoping someone would pull him away from the torture he was witnessing. His heart wrenched in pain and jealousy. 

It should be him.

Why Missa?

Is he not good enough?

Maybe if he tries harder...-

"Forever?" A person's voice called out, and everything felt as if time itself had stopped. The voice felt hard, yet its tone was soft and welcoming. He turned around and ran into the person's arms without thinking. He was one to check before doing anything, but right now, he needed someone. He truly loved Philza, and it hurt to watch him flourish and grow in front of his suffering to make his friends happy.

"Hey, hey man. Relax, you're ok. What's wrong?" Forever looked at the man now and realised it was Cellbit. He smiled when they made eye contact, and he brought his friend into a hug, and he felt his body slowly nudge with the other towards the towering building and back to the cheering celebrations.

"I know it's going to be hard, but focus on the party if you can." Cellbit muttered worriedly as Forever frowned deeply. It isn't that easy; he's an overthinker. His mood didn't change and he declined offerings of food and drinks as he sat glumly on a seat and watched the others party like drunk idiots. Roier seemed to have not a care in the world as he waltzed and sang with his husband as they dueted the song playing on loud speakers. 

The music seemed to dim down as the weather calmed; the temperatures still bitter and the smell of concrete was strong but that wasn't going to bring down the mood. People began to quieten down and head outside once the celebrations ended. Quiet trumpets could be heard in the background as the Mexicans partied together. Roier and Missa ran around together and Forever stood alone; shivering and angry.

Philza passed him and he felt his heart skip a beat as he fiddled with his hair and watched him hop around and learn some dance moves from the spanish. The air filled with laughs and giggles of joy as Forever stood alone and went inside to sit alone. He couldn't take it anymore. All the joy, all the laughter was killing his soul slowly from the inside-out. As much as he wanted to join in on the festivities; he frowned and deserted the party as the voices dimmed and he was alone down the stone bridge.

Tears stung his cheek as he let them finally fall as he gasped and grabbed at his chest where his heart was. Forever frowned deeply and scrunched up his face as he looked up at the sky and began to plead with any deity wanting to listen to him.

Why could he not have love?

Why did he always had to have his heart broken.

He wanted no more. He was done. He promised to the stars forming in the darkening sky that he would never let his heart be played again.

(Credits: @BO0MC4T)

[As I wrote this I realised I misunderstood so my apologies!]

[It's been a hot minute and I apologise! A lot has happened that I'll not go into as the majority of it is private shit.]

'QSMP Oneshots'Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon