'Let the cat sleep' (Guapduo)

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(Cellbit's POV:)

Another day in the dark office, trying to figure out enigmas; papers spread all over the desk. My stomach growled and my throat cried for liquids other than coffee. Running on caffeine all day and night isn't a smart move but I can't stop. I'm so close to figuring it all out. Pictures are leading me closer to finding clues. Thanks to Phil I have more from a worker. WB017. Odd guy from what I heard but fucking god, they were helpful. Guess the Federation should treat their workers better. 

I coughed, my eyes drooping heavily; telling me; crying to tell me to sleep. Sipping coffee was all I needed right now. Just a little bit more-

"Gatinho?" A soft, yet hoarse voice called out from the shadows of the room. I froze in my chair; not risking to stare at him in the eyes. Fearing the worst; disappointment.

"Gatinho. Why are you still up? It's 1 am." He frowned, crossing his arms. 

"What are you doing up so late?" I chuckled weakly, trying to make this situation less tense and glanced at him.

"Cellbit." I gulped, recognising that tone from anywhere.

"Gua... Pito?" I turned in my chair, smiling awkwardly at my husband.

"You, are going to bed, gatito travieso." [... naughty kitty."] I stared at him in shock, as I recognised those certain spanish words as I have heard them in different sentences over time, but never at once.

"But- I just need more time! Just a little bit longer!"

"No! It's been weeks since you stepped outside! Since you saw your friends or even your own son and me too. I'm so fucking lonely and I just want YOU!" He cried and sat on the floor. Immediately I stood up and the guilt flooded my heart, sinking as I watched my lover sob.

"Roier... I'm sorry." I placed a gentle hand on his shoulder and he sniffed.

"I... Didn't know this hurt you so much."

"Of course it does! I fucking sleep alone every night, hoping that you'll be there when I turn over in my sleep or in the morning I wake up to you with your arms around me, telling me it's ok, telling me how much you love me." I gasped, wrapping my arms around him tightly; squeezing him,

"I- I do love you. I married you and vowed. But... I need to do this. For me, for us, for everyone." He pouted, intertwining our hands together; looking at me desperately into my eyes. I knew what he was doing. I sighed,

"ok... Just this once. For you." I smiled and he smiled back smugly, 

"sleep Gatinho." I widened my eyes,

"I can't sleep- I'm on caffeine!"

"Sleep Gatinho." He repeated, more sternly this time.

"Fine, fine. As you wish fofo." [... cuty."] He giggled in defeat and we both got up and went home; teleporting with the waystones to our castle.

"Where is-"

"They're with Bad." I was cut off but I sighed, nodding.

"Good, good." I smiled and walked into our  shared bedroom; I forgot how grand we lived. I walked over to the wardrobe and chose some clean pajamas to wear; the first thing that doesn't smell like sweat and coffee. The shirt was a hoodie but the pants were fluffy and warm, making goosebumps appear on my skin.

"Awww, so fofo Gatinho." I flustered and threw myself onto our king sized bed; purring contently at the difference of comfortability compared to an office chair. Roier joined me a second later and wrapped his arms aroundme pulling me under heaps of blankets to fight against the winter temperatures. I purred happily and nuzzled against his chest as he placed kisses all over my head and face; getting comfy and wraps his legs around me.

"Sleep well amor. Worry about your fucking enigmas later. For now, get your beauty sleep." I felt the world go still as I felt sleep become overwhelming.

"Gatinho?" He spoke again, going quiet and getting comfy as he probbaly realised I fell asleep. Still, I didn't open my eyes and I finally welcomed myself into the land of dreams.

(I love Guapduo but this is so short so one day I'll make it up with a longer chapter. :D)

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