'Why don't you remember?' (Tntduo)

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(Wilbur's POV:)

I'm home. I'm actually home. I can finally see my friends again. I can finally see my beautiful, little girl again. Looking around at my house, the new buildings sprouted about; I think that a lot has changed. Sure, things from the first day were still standing; some in worse conditions than others but still, nostalgia from Day 1. Still, people have changed; they're sadder and I don't understand why. What happened whilst I was gone? Everyone looks so... empty now.

"Oi, earth to Sooty!" A high, american-accented voice spoke that belonged to a certain slime.

"Wassup'?" I smiled and he rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest; one of his hands being covered in a weird black and green particles; as if he was being eaten alive by a virus.

"You were out for like... A good few minutes!" 

"My bad. I was thinking, hahaha." I laughed audibly as a joke which caused him to snort; which I think was great because if I could get one person laughing, then maybe others can too. I lean back and sighed, turning my attention back to him.

"Hey, hey so, so. I know someone who's missed you."

"Oh! Philza?" He shook his head and I pouted; not knowing if I should be offended or not.

"No, no. Someone... Smaller." He raised his arms up to his chest to hint to me. I stared at him blankly.

"Uh... Smaller... Smaller... OH!" Charlie looked at me expectantly, 

"OH! Uhh... Nevermind, I got nothing." He groaned and rolled his eyes and fanned his hands in front of him,

"don't worry then. You'll figure it out." I twitched my eyebrows and sighed, pinching my nose bridge.

"Ok then." He winked and then walked off to the others elsewhere. My brain could not keep up with some of them; especially Tubbo because he is a fucking explosive energy ball. Anyways, someone in particular caught my attention. I walked over and tapped their shoulder. They turned around and smiled at me blankly; which- I'll admit- disappointed me slightly,

"hi sir! Nice to meet you."

"Wha- What do you... What do you mean Quackity? We've known eachother for years..."

"Uhh... I don't think we have otherwise I would know!" He laughed but I couldn't bring myself to. Something wasn't right about him. 

This isn't the Big Q I know.

I frowned and grabbed his arm,

"are you ok? Did something happen while I was gone?" He shook his head and glowed up at me. Fpr some reason, this made my blood run cold, I felt the goosebumps appear on my body as I stared at him.

"Everything's great! This place is amazing, I don't know why everyone is so grumpy all the time!" 

"Yeah... Neither do I." I didn't let go of his arm but instead dragged him around the corner and pinned him against the wall; his face flushed and he tried to look away from me. I grabbed his chin so he could only look at me.

"You're going to tell me if something happened or else."

"Or else...? I'm not scared of you." He giggled and arched his eyebrows in challenge.

"Or I will..." I paused and felt my eyes move down to his lips, staring at them. I glanced into his eyes and watched his attention turn to my lips now. I leaned closer until I felt his breath against my own. Our lips connected and I gasped into the kiss, admiring the softness to his lips as I wrapped an arm around his waist whilst he wrapped his around my neck, leaning closer than I thought people could ever do. Placing another hand on his back so our chests were now touching. I retracted, trying to catch my breath; wiping the side of my mouth. He stared at me and was still smiling like before.


"Well..?" He mimicked, confused still.

"Remember me now?" He sighed and shrugged his shoulders,

"sorry man. Still a no, don't know what you were thinking but thanks for the smooch anyhow; I feel great, you're a good kisser."

"Oh... Uh, thanks." I frowned and stared at him. He grunted and lifted himself up off the wall; waving and smiling at me, just like Big Q would. But, it still wasn't him. 

"Buh-bye, Wilbur!" I waved and turned away and began to head towards the wall. I paused, something clicking in my head,

"wait- How do you-?!" I turned around and saw he was gone. Ok... That's strange... How the fuck did he disappear?

"Oi, Wilbur? You coming or not?" I twisted my head and spotted Charlie with his hands on his waist, leaning forwards with his eyebrows arched,

"hm, yeah. Just coming now." I looked behind me once more before running over and enjoying the night ahead; hoping I'll find some sort of distraction.

(Credits: @ladikp) 

[I'm sorry if this isn't what you were hoping for but I struggled lol.]

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