'Fishing date' (Sugarduo)

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(Forever's POV:)

[This is kinda canon from the fishing date but a tiny bit of a different story; just a heads up! :D AND the timeline is completely random :) I know that Philza nad Forever didn't do a fishing date when he was president :)]

Today was finally the day. Richarlyson was busy with some others on the island, Tallulah and Chayanne aren't waking up today! Everything is perfect! I felt giddy as I walked out of the favela and towards the wall. Since I became president I've been so busy with it and the federation has been acting up a lot. I just hope it ends well today and nobody gets hurt. 

I continued my path with a huge stride; my heart racing at the idea of seeing the bird I love again. I saw Pac and Mike up ahead giggling about something; that was like them though so ignored it. I had to walk past them if I wanted to get to Phil so I tried to go round the path.

"Sim, era isso que eu estava dizendo - OH! Ola, Forever!" ["Yes, that is what I was saying- OH! hey, Forever!"] I sped up and kept my head down so it seemed like I didn't hear them. I felt one of them tap my shoulder so I plastered a smile on my face; adjusting the flag on my shoulder.

"Ola! Como posso ajuda-lo?" ["Hello! How can I help you?"] I just wanted to get to Philza before he is busy again. 

"Como voce esta, cara?" ["How are you, man?"]

"Eu sou bom! Uh.. Mudar para ingles bem rapido?" ["I'm great! Uh... Switch to english real quick?"]

"Ah ok, ok! Sure!" As I said this I felt my patience running low. I didn't hate them but I only want to see Philza. Obviously I would drop anything if these guys got into trouble but not right now; just Philza.

"You want to hang out with us? We were planning to host a hide'n'seek game for some of the other players?" I shook my head and stepped back a little bit; I adjusted my suit and flag again and it was impossible to tell if it was just me or my nerves.

"I need to go, see you around guys! Maybe another day?" They looked at eachother, a bit disappointed but looked back and smiled,

"for sure, for sure. Buh-bye! Have fun with Phil!" I blinked; HOW DID THEY KNOW I WAS GOING TO SEE PHIL?! Can never keep a secret around people nowdays!... Whatever, doesn't matter now as long as I make it to him it'll be fine. I marched myself over to the wall, finding the secret pathway and walking up the stairs. I didn't use the waypoint because I wanted it to be a surprise! 

I felt my throat starting to hurt and I was struggling to breath normally; I honestly thought I was fitter than this... PHILZA IS WORTH IT! I closed my eyes and grinned exctidely as I made my way towards hi house as the stairs were built away just a bit away.

"OOLOOLOO!" I cheered when I spotted my favourite bird,

"PHILZA, MY LOVE!" He turned to me with an annoyed look but his expression went soft when he realised it was me; I tilted my head,

"sorry, I thought you were Fit coming to annoy me again."

"Huh? Fit calls you "love?"? AND uses my signature call?!" I narrowed my eyes and stepped closer, placing my hands on my hips and leaned forwards so our faces were only metres apart. He seemed... Flustered?

"No-...  He just... Teases me a lot and it gets annoying but he means the best... I hope..." I shrugged and lost my focus as I stared at his pinky lips. He looked back into his eyes and he looked into mine. We looked at eachother in silence and we were so close I could feel his breath against my face and I'm sure he could feel mine too. He suddenly moved away and smiled sheepishly,

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