__The Choir With Kids__

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Read this like Ocean forced everyone to volunteer at the Saskatchewan daycare.


Ocean: She loves kids but kids hate her, she has no idea why. The kids love using her as target practice.

Constance: She loves kids and kids love her, she babysits and bakes with the kids at the daycare.

Mishca: He sees kids as competition, he loves getting competitive with kids. One time a 9 year old asked if he wanted to wrestle and well.. that's what they did. (Mishca was not allowed back on the daycare.)

Jane: Jane is fucking terrified of kids, but kids love her. There was this one lonely girl playing with her doll instead of playing with the other kids, Jane hesitantly walked up to the girl and sat down next to her and the conversation went like this.
Jane: "Why aren't you with the other kids?"
Little Girl: "They scare me. Why aren't you with the other kids?"
Jane: "..They scare me."

Noel: Hates little kids, didn't go.
Ocean, basically begging: Pleaseee Noel
Noel: I will not go anywhere near those sticky greasy little spawns of Satan.

Ricky: He's okay with kids, as long as they aren't rude. He always scares them by telling them horror stories, it's very funny.


I plan to make Jane's a one-shot I love it.

- Laterzz🫶🏻🫶🏻

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