You're crying because he wants to marry you?

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Tonia's cooking was amazing. You had also met Childe's other younger brother, Anthon, who had joined the group of you at dinner, having been out that day with friends. You would have met Childe's father but he was apparently upstairs resting as he was suffering from a migraine. From your brain rot of genshin, you believe he's still suffering from those headaches in the main game, which definitely implies something.

You presented the gifts to the others. Anthon originally took the snacks but then swapped the snacks for the hairpin that Tonia had taken. Teucer offered to share his kite for one of the snacks.

You knew Teucer was chaotic, having snuck out of home to see his brother in Liyue, but Anthon was a little shit and a half. As soon as he had seen Childe he tackled his older brother, which shouldn't have done anything to the brick wall of a man but he dramatically fell over, taking his younger brother with him.

It made you smile just how obviously loved his family.

After dinner you were directed to the room where you would be staying in, so you just dumped your stuff and returned to the living room to join the rest of the group. To your surprise Childe wasn't here.

"Oh where's your older brother?" You ask as you find a spare chair, while you sit down you miss the look the siblings send each other.

"He's preparing his own room as you took the one that already premade." Tonia explains before leaning forward onto her palms with her elbows on her knees. "So you and our older brother?"

"What do you mean?" You begin but Anthon cuts you off before you could continue.

"If you're going to date or even marry our brother you need to be approved by us." He says while Teucer drags his chair closer so they are all surrounding you.

"I'm not-"

"How long have you known Ajax?" Ah so he was Ajax here then. You would play along for now, only because you know these kids would not let up on the assault of questions.

"I've known him for two years but he's only known me for just over a month." It wasn't a lie but the kids narrowed their eyes and nodded their heads as if contemplating the answer.

"On a scale of 1 to 10 how attractive do you find our brother?"

"Question is irrelevant, he would break the scale." They liked that answer because they let out a small "ooh".

"Where are you from?"

"Grew up in a small town in Natlan." Technically you were from [Hometown] but you grew up in Australia, so Natlan was probably the closest.

"Have you slept in the same bed as him?"

"No. Next question." You sweat drop, clearly taken aback by the question.

"Have you," Tonia pauses and leans forward, lowering her voice like it was a tabooed topic. "Kissed yet?"

"How do I tell you this, we're not-"

"I hope you're not bothering our guest." Childe's voice rings through the room and the siblings immediately drop the subject, moving their chairs back to their original positions.

"Oh, they weren't, they were just curious about where I'm from." You smile, not wanting to get the kids in trouble. They look at you in shock, surprised that you would cover for them.

"Yeah! Apparently they grew up in a town in Natlan. That's like the opposite of Shneznhya!" Teucer says excitedly, covering their tracks skillfully and not obviously at all.

"Yeah they're pretty cool." Anthon pipes in before gesturing to his siblings. "Sibling meeting in the kitchen. Sorry Ajax, you have to 'entertain our guest'." He put on a fancy voice before jumping off his chair and moving to the kitchen, his siblings following after.

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