Chapter 43: Return of the Allies

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The next morning, Michelangelo hums to himself as he puts numerous chemicals and such into a vat of mutagen inside Donatello's lab. He holds up the glowing substance within a beaker and puckers his lips, his eyes shaded by goofy-looking goggles.

"Hmm, I do believe this plutonium should react flawlessly with the sodium bicarbonates," he says in a British accent. "What do you think, Professor Ice Cream Kitty?"

Ice Cream Kitty meows and nods, also wearing goggles. If she could speak, her meow would also be in a British accent.

"Then perhaps we should add this hyperbole solution to Donnie's retro-mutagen," Michelangelo says as he lifts up a similar container of orange retro-mutagen.

Just as he says this, Donatello walks in. He rubs his eye, notices what's going on, and his face pales. "Mikey? HAVE YOU LOST YOUR SHELL?!" he screams.

"Pishposh and tut-tut, my good man!" Michelangelo clicks his tongue, still sounding British.

"I've been brewing that retro-mutagen for months! Oh, if you've ruined it, I swear I'll—" Donatello growls, his facial expressions changing dramatically with each word emphasis.

"Hold on dude, I got this!" Michelangelo says in his normal accent, preparing to pour his mixture into the retro-mutagen.

The purple-masked turtle launches forward and stops his brother, the two tangling and grunting as they start to squabble. Michelangelo keeps trying to pour his creation into the second beaker, whilst Donatello attempts to stop it by smacking him into the lab table and trying to grab the jar from his hands. He yanks Michelangelo backwards, sending the modified mutagen into the air. A single drop flies out and falls, landing in the retro-mutagen beaker with a small splash as the two brothers watch in horror.

Nothing happens for a moment, making Donatello let out a relieved sigh. Then, the solution glows bright yellow and starts bubbling, making the turtles panic.

"Oh, oh no, Mikey!" Donatello shrieks.

They both scream and back away as the solution gets more and more intense, bubbling over the edge, and a blast of light sends them flying into the wall. They gasp, holding on to each other and Ice Cream Kitty as their mask tails—or whiskers—whip around.

"It's gonna explode!" Donatello exclaims in a high-pitched voice.

The solution keeps bubbling. Donatello whimpers, Michelangelo gapes, and Ice Cream Kitty meows.

The mutagen stops as the light dies abruptly, leaving a normal looking beaker with some spilled remnants clinging to the lip. The three mutants stare in shock, arms still around each other.

"Aw well, that was weak," Michelangelo groans.

Donatello growls and tackles his brother, shouting and wrestling with him, hands and legs flying at one another without mercy.

"Now, you listen to me!"

"No! You listen to me!"

"I am gonna teach you such a lesson! I—"

A staff makes contact with Donatello's head and shell, Michelangelo's stomach, and then Master Splinter pressure points his sons into submission. He leans down so that his head is in between theirs.

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