Back story of Flora Vanderbilt

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Flora Vanderbilt was born in 1993 on September 11 in Central City, losing her mother during childbirth.

Theodore Vanderbilt was a famous investor in the city of Gotham, however the empty hole the father and daughter felt never went away, even if she never met her mother, she felt guilty.

At 5, Flora and her father, Theodore Vanderbilt moved from Central City to Gotham as her last grandfather had passed away leaving an enormous mansion for Theodore and his daughter to live in (Theodore's childhood home).

During Theodore's experience at Yale, he made a lifelong friend, Wayne Enterprises owner - Bruce Wayne, and one of the few people who knew Wayne's secret life, Theodore happened to be one of them.

Flora's father was a very successful man, however, he would be away a lot, so Wayne and his butler Alfred Pennyworth would take care of Flora very often, soon she saw them as father figures as hers was barely present.

As Flora was a more ''lonely child'' she would love to be by nature, especially by her favourite oak tree which shared a resemblance with the tree in conjuring - it even had an empty trunk where flora would often sit inside when she needed to clear her head.

2001, 11th of September, floras birthday, her father was away in Manhattan taking care of a meeting. This enraged Flora, Alfred tried his very best to keep her calm but later gave up, calling Mr Vanderbilt. Flora was on the phone crying to her father to come home for her eighth birthday, however, the father's last words to the youngster were ''Stop being so dramatic Flora, I'll be home soon, Bye'' as he hung up. Little did anyone know that those would be the last words she would ever hear him say. A tragedy struck, the collision of the twin towers at the trade centre had taken place just as Theodore Vanderbilt's meeting was occurring.

Before Bruce got the dreadful phone call, Flora had taken off to the oak tree, not giving a care about the thunderstorm going on outside, the pouring rain, the horrifying lightning, just to hide in the trunk, away from everyone.

As Flora was whimpering, mad at her father, lightning struck, hitting the strands of the tree, which descended a bolt to the trunk, right where Flora was weeping. Bashing consciousness out of the young girl.

When woken up, Flora found herself surrounded by the only family she was left with, Bruce and Alfred. Dazed and confused she looked around, but everything was different. Felt different.

Because the bolt of lightning struck the oak tree, the chlorophyll ventured into Flora's dainty body, blessing her with Mother natures powers.

As Flora grew older, under Bruce Wayne's wing, he helped her learn to control her powers and become one with nature. Over the years, Flora grew a liking to her powers, however, she was an outcast, and she didn't have any friends. It didn't bother her, as she was always top in her class, and streamed towards Ivy leagues to fulfil her dream of becoming a doctor. Plus she wasn't all that lonely, she had her father figures, and her pet chameleon, Zephyrion.

At 12 Bruce revealed his secret identity of being Batman, which only made Flora love her powers even more, which inspired her to train, of course with the help of Alfred and Bruce.

Wayne was in charge of teaching her to fight and use her powers in needed situations. Alfred helped design custom weapons like a bow and arrow, thorned boomerangs, Gaia staff, vine whip, leaf blades etc.

Finally, at 16, Flora got her much-wanted custom suit, leading to her permission of fighting minor crimes in Gotham.

She was making titles in newspapers by the time she was 17, going by the unidentified person 'chloroflora''.

In 2010, Flora graduated top of her class, getting into Yale, and majoring in medicine. However, her passion for fighting crime was not over.


Plant manipulation: the ability to control and manipulate plants, causing them to grow rapidly and shapeshift.

Animal communication: the power to communicate and talk with animals, enhancing relations with the animal kingdom.

Elemental control: command over elements such as water, earth, fire and air allowing her to shape the environment.

Atmospheric manipulation: controlling weather patterns, being able to summon storms, tsunamis, wind currents etc.

Photosynthesis: the capacity to harness sunlight and convert it into energy.

Bio-regeneration: the power to heal using the energy of nature.

Insect control: the ability to summon and create swarms of insects for various purposes.

Mimicry of nature: the capability of blending into the natural environment, camouflage

Terrakintetic flight: the ability to manipulate the ground beneath to make platforms which lead to levitating or flying.


Hi guys, first chapter coming next.

Let me know if there's anything to change. 

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