Chapter VI

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December 31st 2013

Lately in floras life...

She become one of the advanced interns in her group, along with Melissa.

Today is New Year's, goodbye 2013, hello 2014. Bruce and Alfred are hosting a warm New years gathering, of close friends and colleagues who are close enough. Gladly, Melissa made it to the invite list, which will take away the awkwardness for flora around the other people at the party.

Flora is sitting on her vanity table, fixing last-minute touches to her makeup and hair. The photo in the frame takes her attention, it is a picture of her mother. As she takes a glance back in the mirror and back at the photo, she realizes people weren't wrong when they said Flora and her mother shared a large resemblance. She smiles at the photo. She stands up from her vanity letting the silk dress flow to the floor as she gets ready to go downstairs to greet the guests.

After a long boring dinner, the first champagne bottle pops. The party has begun. Melissa shoots her a quick smirk at the sight of that.

''Bruce, I've been meaning to talk to you'' Flora spits out as she finds Bruce getting something in the kitchen. Bruce takes a glance and then nods ''yes Flora?" he questions, almost as if he knows the question Flora is about to ask. ''I want to start fighting crime, and I don't mean stopping theft at the corner shop, I mean like proper crime,'' she says trying not to stutter. Bruce stops what he's doing, and without turning to face her he grumbles ''define 'proper' crime flora''. She takes a step forward ''Well I want to fight villains, I want to save the world and its people, I want to do what you do.'' she gulps. Bruce quietly turns to her - ''You want to save the people just like you saved that woman getting mugged? This requires a lot of work flora, im not sure your ready for that, to add on, you are top in your group, are you sure you want to give up a normal person's life to fight slimy creatures? I don't think you are.'' he answers back. Flora takes offence as she spits out ''It is my life, Bruce, I want to do this, I do. I wasn't ready when the men pulled out guns. But I am, I promise I'm willing to do it.'' she says, trying to remain calm. The undisguised Batman takes a look at the floor. ''That's what you think. But take it from someone who doesn't think, but knows, you are not ready, im not sure you ever will be'' he exhales, leaving tension between the two.

Flora tries to catch her breath, but gives up and roars ''how do you know if I'm ready or not?! You always doubt me, you don't trust me, and you coddle me because you feel obligated to because of my father, guess what? I'm a grown-up now, I don't need you to coddle me like I'm a child, wake the fuck up Bruce'' as it echoes throughout the kitchen, Flora storms off, leaving Bruce in disbelief. He croaks out ''You are never to speak to me like that again'' as Flora stops in her tracks turning around to face him - ''or what? You are going to ground me? Going to punish me? You already have. And don't ever stalk me again.'' she leaves the kitchen, racing up to her room.

12 minutes to go before midnight; before New years.

Flora is a pain to look at, she is a mess. She is wrapped in her blankets, like a butterfly in a cocoon.


The door opens, revealing a familiar silhouette of Bruce. ''Hey Flora'' he spoke, coming into her room, and placing himself by her on the bed. '' I'm sorry if you feel like I've been coddling you, I guess that is true, you are still a little girl in my eyes, and I'm working on that. I'm also very sorry that I gave you the impression that I only gave a rat's ass about you because I feel obligated to because of Theo, I hope you know that's not true, I do see you as my daughter, and I love you like my own child. I'm also sorry for not believing in you, you are right, your powers are extraordinary, and you should use them to save this world, which you can do...'' he sits there in silence -''... flora please say something I don't usually open up like this and I'm feeling very vulnerable'' he says in the most undisturbed voice. Flora lets out a chuckle, ''Bruce I am so fucking sorry I said those words to you, I honestly didn't mean half of them, it was just a heat-in-the-moment thing and I promise that won't ever happen again - and thank you for listening to me and my wishes, I want you to know that I will do whatever it takes to save the world, I am a doctor in the process aren't I?'' they share a laugh. ''And also Bruce, you are my only family, you and Alfred are the dads I never had, I love you like you are my blood.'' she shows a sympathetic look and he hugs her in return. 'I know Flora, don't worry, I'm glad we could talk.''

As he stands up he points at the clock reading 00:00 on Flora's stand - ''Happy New Year Flora, now go to sleep, training starts early in the morning'' he says, leaving and shutting the door behind.

The girl croaks a smile, as she comfortably shifts in her bed, closing her eyes.

Happy New Year.

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