Chapter XXVII

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Chapter XXVII

Barry had been deep into his research on Clark when he stumbled upon something seriously weird that went down in Russia over the last two decades. So, he nudged his younger self and said, "Barry, wake up, we're going to Russia." Young Barry, still half-asleep, asked, "Sweet, dude, but how are we getting there?" Right on cue, the Batplane popped out of its secret spot. Stepping out of the plane, the older Bruce muttered, "I'll help you find Superman. After that, you're on your own."

They fired up the engine, and the three of them set off for Russia, hoping to track down Superman. Looking around nervously, Young Barry asked, "So, what's the game plan here? Are we just going to, like, snatch Superman and dip before things get heated?" Older Barry refrained from rolling his eyes and answered, "I don't know." As the two Allens argued about who should ask older Bruce for the plan, the plane's voice cut in, "We're here. Ejector seat on." Young Barry exclaimed, "Ejector seat? Sick!" In a flash, they were ejected out of the plane, floating down into the middle of nowhere in Russia, thanks to parachutes, of course.

Turns out, they'd landed in some top-secret Russian military base, making their mission a whole lot riskier. Inside the base, young Barry kept on griping about how cold it was. "I don't get why it's so freezing, dude," he complained. Older Barry, clearly annoyed, replied, "It's the Arctic, Barry." As they went through a tunnel that older Bruce had already gone down, young Barry tripped over a mop, causing it to fall. Suddenly, the lights flicked on, and they found themselves surrounded by what looked like a glass enclosure. On the other side, guards swarmed in, and they all blurted out a collective "Shit."

After a long brawl with the guards, they finally reached the spot where they expected to find Superman. But to their surprise, they came across a young woman who looked wrecked—exhausted, starving, and in terrible shape. Barry didn't think twice and lifted her, wanting to get her some help. "What are you doing?" older Bruce asked, insisting they had to get going. Barry squared off with him, firmly saying, "We can't leave her here; we're taking her with us." They argued until they heard the first gunshot. Bruce finally gave in. But before young Barry could react, he took a bullet to the thigh and screamed in pain.

Struggling to get out of the base, with both Bruce and young Barry putting up a fight against a whole bunch of Soviet soldiers, something incredible happened. The girl, who had appeared lifeless just moments ago, now levitated in the air, exhibiting powers remarkably similar to Clark's, shooting powerful laser beams from her eyes. It turns out that she was none other than Superman's cousin, Kara, also known as Supergirl.

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