Chapter VIII

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Chapter VIII

June 26th 2015

These last few days have been a lot, and I mean a lot.

Lex Luthor turned out to be a psycho, who mixed his blood with Kryptonian, diana prince (the tall lady at the party) turned out to be an Amazon, and Bruce had gone over to Metropolis to fight against Superman but quickly changed his opinion. So now Wonder Woman, Superman and Batman are fighting against the creature ''doomsday'', and guess what? Bruce didn't allow Flora to join in.

''Alfred please, they need my help, well at least Bruce does, he doesn't even have powers, he's just rich, even Superman's girlfriend is there'' Flora says as she points at Lois Lane through Alfred's screen. ''Just wait Flora, I have a plan'' Alfred says calmly as if there isn't an ugly alien inbred with lex luthor running on the loose. ''Alfred! Look, they need my help, please let me go-'' Flora suddenly stopped speaking, as she realized something. ''I don't even know why I'm asking for permission, I am turning 22 this year, I'm old enough'' Flora quickly says as the wind around her starts swirling and she starts levitating, controlling her directions with the move of her hands, as she leaves Gotham and goes off to Metropolis.

Alfred is left there, alone and confused about what just happened.

Flora shifts the button on her shoes, as the suit covers her body, and she continues flying till she hears an explosion, she looks up. Realizing she has no time to waste, she talks to Alfred. ''Where is Bruce?'' she speaks as she's flying over the area, searching for any signs of humans, or metahumans. She spots Bruce and lands next to him. ''Flora, what the hell are you doing here, I told you to stay home'' he spat out. As Flora was about to say something, the ugly Kryptonian was shot back to Earth. A roar escapes his mouth. After throwing punches, and wrapping him around in vines, Flora realized this creature is inevitable, or at least without krypton. Whilst Batman, chloroflora and wonder woman are fighting the creature, no signs of Superman are to be seen.

After many risky moments, the familiar Superman returns, he looks bad, but that doesn't stop him.

Have you ever seen an alien staring competition? They shoot lasers from their eyes! Superman was shot down, but quickly had gotten up and floated. Diana and Flora shared a look and nodded. Superman had quickly gone to save Lois from drowning, as the hit caused the rocks to fall on where she was, making her stuck underwater. Diana had given a few punches, and Flora had given a few cuts, but it was useless, they need the krypton now before the global population would be destroyed. As Flora wraps the vines around the creature and shoots out the venom from the spikes, scarring the creature, wonder women wraps her lasso of truth around the creature as well, leaving him stuck, but still, the young woman couldn't hold onto it much longer.

That is when they see Superman, with the kryptonite, as he flies straight into the creature, killing it, Superman uses the spear, holding it close to himself as he flies toward him to deliver the deadly blow. Coupled with the earlier beatings, coming in direct contact with Kryptonite gas, and then being hit with a missile, Superman's exposure to the spear weakens him enough that Doomsday's counter-attack delivers a fatal injury, and the seemingly-indestructible Superman dies.

June 29th 2015

On the day of supermans funeral, it was still all crazy to Flora how Clark Kent was Superman, and how she was just talking to him, and the next minute, he was gone. She can't imagine how Martha and Lois feel. Bruce and Flora decided not to attend the funeral but had still taken care of the payments, as a gift to Martha. The government had honoured Superman with a proper goodbye to the people of the metropolis.

Bruce and I stand still, watching as Lois throws the dirt on the coffin, and says her last goodbyes.

She leaves. ''What do you think she is going to do now?'' Flora questions as she pities the young woman who had suffered such a great loss. ''I don't know'' bruce spoke. As they hear a rustling behind, Diana Prince shows up. She responds to Bruce ''They don't know how to honour him, except as a soldier.'' she spoke. ''I've failed him in life, I won't feel him in death'' Bruce spoke, heartlessly ''Help me find others like you'' he finishes. ''Perhaps they don't want to be found'' Flora chimes in. Getting a nod from Diana. Bruce doesn't agree ''they will. And they'll fight'' he spoke. He took a long pause before saying ''we need to stand together".

Finishing the conversation, Diana spoke ''the others like me, why did you say they" ll have to fight?" as she turns her head towards Flora and Bruce. The silence is loud before Bruce answers "Just a feeling".

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