Chapter XVI

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Chapter XVI

Simultaneously, the group gears up with weapons, preparing to fight Steppenwolf. They land right by the dome, the defence dome. Before the group can separate, Bruce decides on a last-minute speech - "Whatever you do, stick to the plan. It's why I brought you all together." He closes the door to the plane, leaving him inside, ready to attack and destroy the dome.

Shooting at the dome with one of the built-in missiles, the dome seals the hole right before Bruce can make it inside. "Bruce, pull back, you're never going to make it," Victor spoke through the earpiece. Groaning "Just have to knock a little louder" he spoke, before shooting a swarm of missiles onto the dome. He makes it inside. Revealing Steppenwolf in line with the three mother boxes in front of him. Immediately, the dome collapses, leaving the roof of the tower open. "Kill him. Get to the carriage and defend the unity." Steppenwolf roars to his parademons. Bruce quickly escapes the dome, with the swarm of parodemons following him - "Oh shit." he mutters, before gracefully crashing into the city's abandoned buildings. "The towers down, do you hear me?" Bruce spoke into the earpiece - "Yeah, loud and clear." Barry responded. Flora tries very hard to hold in her worry, as she worries for one of her only father figures. "Are you okay?" she asks, silence. "Bruce? Bruce?" last word sounding more anxious, she looks around the group, shooting them a horrified glare; Barry acts quickly, as he grabs her hand and squeezes it, reassuring her. "Get to the reactor, I'll lure as many of these monsters as I can." Bruce finally responds "What does that mean?" Flora asks, clueless about his new plan. "Don't worry about me Flora, get to the unity. They're here." he shuts the power of his plane, leaving the rest of the group bewildered. Turning to her colleagues, Flora whispers "Comm went dead." "Come on, let's go," Diana says before they all take off.

The parodemons break through the plane, but Bruce is nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, bullets start shooting at them, revealing Bruce now in his batmobile, zooming away into the distance. Only Bruce Wayne would have a car in his plane. The rest of the nest picks up on Bruce's scent and starts flying after his car. "Come on, follow me you damn insects," he speaks to himself.

The insects, damage the batmobile roof, opening it. As they are about to attack the defenceless Batman, chloroflora slides right past them, slicing their bodies into one half. The rest of the band can be seen right behind her, catching up to the car. Aquaman lands on the Batmobile smirking at Batman "You are out of your mind Bruce Wayne". Before jumping so high into the air, onto a parademon. Two more come, and as he struggles to keep them off him, a cyborg zooms in and sweeps him off of them mid-air. "You're welcome." Cyborg said, earning a grin from Aquaman "My man." before he gave him a boost into the sky.

Squashing two of the parodemons like insects, Aquaman met up with cyborg, the flash and chloroflora. "Yeah, we got this." shooting them all a smirk. "Go do your thing," Flora says to the speedster, before shooting him a reassuring smile, and deep down hoping this plan goes well so she can explain herself after. The flash shoots her a smirk, before running off, as fast as he could ever in his whole life, so the charge would build up and destroy the villain's plan.

Back home, in Gotham City, Wayne Manor...

As Alfred is fixing up one of his old cars, the drink of scotch next to him shakes. Alarmed he lifts his head, to reveal the only and only Superman. "I assume you Alfred." he walks to him, with a great smile on his face, nodding - "master kent" earning another nod from Superman. "He said you would come, Now let's hope it's not too late."

Back in Pozharnov...

As the flash builds the charge, cyborg, Aquaman and Chloroflora stand behind Steppenwolf.

"Hey!" Arthur yells, stomping his trident onto the ground, and shaking it. Steppenwolf growls, turning around - "Remember us?" Flora spoke, giving him an elegant wave. "Round two?" Arthur asks the band, causing them to stand up straighter with their weapons - "hell yeah," Victor says, aiming his weapon at the villain.

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