Chapter I

164 9 1

September 1st 2013

Flora's first day at work in Gotham general hospital, she graduated from Yale early due to her extraordinary abilities in the lab. She is barely 20 and already an intern, Bruce and Alfred are very proud of her. It is also true that Bruce's connections helped but that doesn't change the fact of how superbly Flora was performing.

Starting at 4 AM, Flora was changing into her scrubs, putting her wavey blonde hair into a loose braid. An overwhelming fear of emotions grew on her as she looked into the mirror, into her reflection, she gave herself a quick reassuring smile. She quickly dropped her smile as the door into the changing room was slammed wide open, revealing a short girl - ''Are you Flora?" the unknown girl asks. Flora is disorientated but quickly answers with a nod. The unknown girl flashes a look of relief and exclaims ''thank god, our attending is freaking out about where you are, she is not nice..'' the girl notices the baffled look Flora is giving her. ''...Oh Jesus, sorry, my name is Melissa, but we got to go'' Melissa hurries Flora up as they exit through the changing rooms, rushing to their attending.

It's currently 8 AM now, Flora was getting used to the alarming sites of the people of Gotham but still closed off her appetite during the break. She found herself thinking of her father, and what he would say to her achievements. Melissa caught her attention by waving in front of her table, ''Are you okay flo? You've been staring at that wall for a while'' an attentive look on her face. Flora quickly puts on a smile ''yes sorry, I tend to get distracted when I'm not doing something'' she lets out a chuckle. Melissa has a worried look on her face but shuts it off ''not hungry?'' she asks, Flora then explains the scenery of the hospital is not an inviting place to eat. Melissa was about to say something but gets cut off by Flora's pager. Flora shoots her a wave and runs off.

The attending is a scary, stubby woman, who glares at Flora as she runs through the hospital corridors to the ER, where she was paged. She slows down as she reaches the bed that her patient was laying in. ''Hi Mr...'' she trails off looking at the information board on the end of the bed - ''...Allen'' she looks up at him taking in a glance from his eyes. ''What brings you here'' she questions as she prepares herself with tools and gloves. ''Well I got hit by a car, I'm fine though, I'm sure I shouldn't be here, I feel fine, I-'' Flora lets out a chuckle interrupting him, he has a confused look on his face ''Oh sorry I didn't mean to be rude, you just kept rambling on'' she looks at him cracking a smile, the smile passes on to his face '' yea I tend to do that when I'm nervous'' he looks at her, a face of regret immediately passes over him. ''Why are you nervous? You're fine arent you? As you've said'' she questions, waiting for an answer to come out of his mouth, but all she gets is stuttering. She gets the message. Flora takes her eyes off of him ''your vitals are perfect, what are you an athlete or something?'' she asks, with an unbelievable look on her face. ''Yea something like that, I like to run'' he smiles nervously. ''So barry allen, you seem in good health but you do have a cut in your cheekbone, you'll need a couple of stitches'' she says calmly. ''Just a couple of stitches...'' Barry keeps repeating as he reassures himself under his breath. Flora notices and decides to keep him distracted by asking questions as she closes the cut. ''So Barry, are you from here?" he looks up at her delicate hands, taking in her beauty. ''No, I'm studying in the central city college, forensic science, I was just getting some bakeries'' she exclaims but remains perfectly still "Oooh, interesting forensic science. Bakeries?! From Central City to Gotham? For bakeries? Must be pretty committed to working out if you look like that.'' realizing what she says, she blushes, as does he. Barry changes the subject as he gets fidgety "How old are you? All these interns look a bit older than you" he asks, chuckling ''I'm almost 20 Barry, how old are you?'' he is held back by the girl's age ''almost 21'' before he could say another word, she lets out a huff ''Done Barry, looking smug'' she shoots a joking smirk at him, as she turns around to take her gloves off, she see's a blue lightning and lets out a gasp as she quickly turns around but everything seemed to be normal, Barry was sitting on the bed, like a lost puppy, all innocent. ''Good to meet you Barry Allen'' she puts out her hand. Barry accepts the handshake ''Good to meet you...'' ''Flora, Flora Vanderbilt'' they share a look, a look you read about in books or see in movies. Their short time of eye contact was interrupted by Flora's attending shrieking about how her interns aren't working. ''That's my call Allen'' She takes back her hand. He breaks the eye contact to get off the bed.

''I'll see you around Vanderbilt'' as he exits the grand doors of the hospital, leaving Flora baffled.

However she feels something in her hand, she looks down and opens her fist, a little note saying.

''Call me :) 800 765 23" She feels her cheeks heat up, she puts the note in her pocket, still confused about when Barry wrote that, when he put it in her hand, how he did that without her noticing, just many questions. Her thoughts are once again interrupted by her pager. 


Second chapter coming soon :)

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