Chapter X

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Chapter X

June 3rd 2017

As a young child, Bruce had taught Flora how to take apart wheels, and all that gist. Growing up, Flora did enjoy a bit of engineering, especially with Bruce's custom vehicles, believe it or not. The "garage" soon became a safe space for both Bruce and Flora, where they would talk about whatever was on their minds, knowing none of the others would judge.

Fixing up, and oiling the motors; Bruce and Flora were getting their hands dirty. Bruce takes a quick huff - "so flora, I've noticed something but please, do tell me if I'm wrong..." he states, putting the tools down, grabbing Flora's attention - "... every time this kid, what was his name...Barry! every time he gets mentioned you, you know, go all red and suddenly become much more attentive to the conversation". He spoke, waiting for his answer as Flora stuttered - "Well I don't know, he's pretty cute". She smiles. "I don't know it's been a while, and I'm still confused about why I get like this whenever his name is mentioned, it's annoying". A smirk on bruces lips appear - "Oooh, Flora has a crush..." he lets out a chuckle, as does she - " really, how did you guys meet?" he asks, really invested for some reason. Flora looks to her right and chuckles - "on my first day of the internship, he was sent to the ER cause he got hit by a car, I sewed him up and we talked, he also gave me his number on a note, but it melted in the wash." bruce lets out an even bigger chuckle "he probably thought I wasn't interested in him, believe me, I was. I saw him a couple of times, but he was saving my life in those, as THE FLASH" flora snickers as she adds emphasis to his stage name.

Bruce picks up his tools, as does Flora and they start working again. "Im sure you'll see him soon Flora".

As quiet footsteps are heard from below the vehicle, Bruce doesn't even have to check who it is - "You know I paid millions of dollars for this building security". Diana's voice is heard from below "You got your money's worth, took me almost a minute to disable it." she says. Bruce, now turned around as Flora puts down the tools to join him. "Hi there" he grumbles. Flora senses some tension between them but ignores it as she almost sprints down to hug Diana. "Been a while Flora" she spoke, hugging her even tighter. The two had gotten much closer after Clark's death, but they barely get to see each other anymore. The conversation gets deep, from talking about Bruce's new toy to the war. "I think an attack's coming" Bruce reveals, Diana looks up - "Not coming, it's already here".

Diana unravels the truth about why Steppenwolf has come here, as she explains the alliance made a long time ago. The mother boxes (indestructible, living machines) were given out to the Amazons, Atlantians and Vikings; the defenders of Earth united to fight Steppenwolf from taking over. He is planning to do it again, with the help of his parademons.

"Hey Alfred, let Bruce know I'm going out to give some charity to the dog shop in central, ill fly over since I left my car there last week" Flora shouts as she walks through the door, not even giving time for Alfred to process what she just said. It is quite a distance from Gotham to central city, around 125 miles perhaps. Luckily for Flora, she can get there much faster using her powers, and a bonus is that she won't be seen in her form.

Meanwhile, in Central City...

Barry Allen hurrying off to his job of the month, at the dog shop. "Im late, I'm so very very late" he mumbles under his breath. For a fast person, he sure is never on time. "Oh hey, buddy" he pets a dog but quickly snaps back his hand. He stumbles into a woman on his way into the shop - "Im so sorry, Im late..." he pauses, as he looks into the face of this woman. Could it be? Flora Vanderbilt? The intern from 3 years ago that he never got to ask out. Unlucky for him, he lost his cell the same day so even if she did leave a message, he would never have known. His eyes follow hers, up until she leaves the shop. The manager stood there, waiting on him as he explains why he was so very late.

Last few weeks, Flora has been donating quite some money to charities including animal shelters, and pet shops. As she gets thanked by the manager, she turns around to walk out of the building but is met with a familiar set of eyes. Could it be? Barry Allen? The speedster from the central city whom she never called cause of that stupid note. They share long-lasting eye contact as they both realize that they know each other. She feels something in her stomach - "butterflies? Really." she talks to herself as she gets into her car that she left outside the shop a week ago (Bruce picked her up that time). As she tries loading up her car, it doesn't seem to work - "Come on, we're supposed to be friends now" she mutters under her breath, letting out a sigh when it finally starts. She takes a last look at Barry, whos already looking at her. She shoots him a smile, as he shoots her a smirk, completely forgetting about the manager talking to him.

She drives off, still gazing at him. For a smart person, that wasn't very smart flora - eyes on the road.

A quick flash of worry appears on his face, wiping off his smile, as he sees a big bus, about to hit Flora.

A hotdog stand gets knocked over, which grabs Flora's attention, as she quickly hits the break on the car.

Once again, you would think a person with superpowers wouldn't be getting into these situations. The car goes flying, as its nose dives. Barry takes no time to think, as he runs over and stands in front of her. "Wow, it is you Flora" He brazes his fingers over her cheek, once again looking into those eyes. He gets distracted by some hotdogs floating around and smiles to himself as he puts them in his pocket. Who's surprised? He puts his hand behind Flora's head and balances her to the ground. Letting time fall back into place. Flora is left there on the ground, completely baffled, she looks up to see those warm eyes. Shooting him a smirk, she wanted to ask "How did you do that?" just to be petty, but realization hits him before she could and he runs off, leaving nothing but blue bolts behind him. 


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