Chapter XIII

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Chapter XII

June 4th 2017

By the time Flora and Alfred had gotten to the given location, the clock had struck 12; midnight.

Bruce and Barry are standing on the steps of the jet, next to them is one of Bruce's cars. Bruce lets out a sigh when he notices that Diana's alone, without the cyborg; as she was meant to convince him to join the league. "Oh my goodness," Barry is left in shock as the infamous Wonderwoman makes her way to them. "Where's the cyborg" Bruce asks, confused about why he wouldn't want to join. Now meeting face to face, Diana explains - "his name is Victor, we met, we spoke. Give him time." She finishes, looking down at Barry - "You must be Barry, I'm Diana." She reaches her hand out for a shake, and a heart-eyed Barry accepts it - "Hi, Barry, I'm Diana. That's not right. Great." he looks down, making it awkward. Just in time, Alfred lands the helicopter safely on the parking, next to the plane. Taking her headphones off, Flora quickly fixes her hair before the doors open. As she climbed out, she lifted her head. There was Bruce, there was Diana, and then there was a figure she couldn't recognize next to them. Making her way to the plane where they were all standing, she realised who that unknown figure was. Bruce notices Flora - "Right on time Flora" he spoke because now she was close and could hear him. Diana turns around to hug her and shoots her a quick smirk as Barry can't see her face. Flora and Barry must be having a staring contest, or why else are they looking at each other, not saying anything? Breaking the silence, Diana introduces the two "Flora, this is Barry, Barry Allen this is Flora Vanderbilt" Breaking the eye contact, Flora looks at her hand as it goes out for a shake to Barry. "Barry, this is my daughter, Flora, though I believe you two have already met before," Bruce spoke as they took their hands back to their sides. "Yeah," Barry states, smiling. Flora lets out a huff - "Yeah, a long time ago."

The tension was rising - "So this is us?" Diana spoke "Yeah this is us" Bruce answered in return. Flora looks around, now confused about how they are going to conquer a villain with this amount of superheroes - "What? I thought cyborg was going to be a part of whatever this is." Diana looks to the ground - "Give him time." she quotes herself from 5 minutes ago. Barry quickly loses focus on the conversation as Batman's famous symbol gets shown under the moonlight - "Oh! Awesome! It's a bat signal, that's your..." he laughs, shushing himself "...oh sorry! That's your bat signal, that means we have to go now." he spoke, basically whispering. Bruce holds his eye-roll - "Yeah, that's what that means". Excitedly Barry says "Oh that's so cool dude." he looks into the sky, at the bat signal, not noticing that the other three have now left, leaving him all alone.

Pacific Ocean

One of the motherboxes is sitting on the throne in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, guarded by Atlantians.

A similar situation happens once more, the mother box starts shaking uncontrollably. Steppenwolf is here.

The same portal spawns as it did in the Amazon, revealing the only Steppenwolf. In an attempt to kill Mira, one of the guardians, Steppenwolf strikes his axe at her, however, Aquaman is there to stop him, saving Mira and attempting to fight Steppenwolf. He fails as Steppenwolf has already taken the mother box. Arthur realizes that he cannot do this alone, and thinks about Bruce's offer.


Kneeling, Victor finds his father, Silas's glasses on the floor. He soon realizes what Diana was saying when she was telling him about a war that had started. He understands that his father has either been abducted or worse. Looking out the window, he notices the bat signal, taking in that he should go save his father, a long side with his new group of superheroes.

James Gordon, a close ally of Batman who works in the police department sends out the so-called bat signal throughout the city. Now he waits at the top of the building for Batman to make an appearance; instead, he is greeted by four meta beings - Wonderowman, Batman, Chloroflora and the Flash. Confused - "How many of you are there?" Gordon asks "Not enough" Batman grumbles. James informs Batman about the missing people in Gotham, and witnesses claim that they fly. "Parodemons," Wonderwoman says discreetly, nervously, Barry mumbles an "okay" as he looks at chloroflora, who just shrugs her shoulders.

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