Chapter XVIII

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Chapter XVIII

July 14th 2017

Today was the day flora had been moving to central city!

She had been extremely excited about working at CC General Hospital, as well as continuing to fight crime. Since the rate of crime is much lower in the central city, Flora will easily balance out her work life, secret life and personal life. Right?

Taping up the last box of her belongings, she sat down on her childhood bed, sighing. Flora looks around, she is still in disbelief that this day has come, moving out. It is reasonable though, a 24-year-old should be out there, working hard. However, it was still difficult. She knew she would visit as much as she could, but maybe she wasn't ready to completely grow up; grow out of Bruce's wing.


Flora turns around, and she sees Bruce leaning against her door frame. "You okay kiddo?" he says, walking over to her - "Yeah, just thinking". Now sitting on the bed, Bruce cleared his voice "Me too, I haven't processed it yet I don't think." "Me too, is this what everyone goes through? They spend their lives living comfortably in their habitat, then one day you just grow up? I'm leaving the child in me behind, I don't know if I'm ready Bruce" she sighs, holding her head with her hands. No matter what Bruce's face is showing, deep down he is not ready to let the girl he raised out in the open, but he knows better. "Listen to flora, we both know I had my doubts on you becoming a grown girl, but it is time, you know it, we all do. Growing up isn't about leaving behind the child within; it's about embracing that child's wonder and letting it guide you as you become the amazing adult you were always meant to be." he choked out, not daring to let a tear drop. In disparity, flora lets a tear fall - " thank you bruce, for everything."

Handbag in hand, Flora takes a final look at her room. It feels empty. Something is missing; no pictures, no photos, no socks on the floor, no books on the shelf. It is empty. Just old plain furniture. Closing the door, she makes her way down the stairs where Bruce and Alfred had been waiting for her, along with her boxes and suitcase.

"Ready?" Alfred spoke, reassuringly. "I am."

Central city...

It is a Saturday, 11 AM. Barry jumps out of bed at the sound of his alarm. "Oh shit." he realizes that Flora would be in the central city soon, he offered to give her a warm welcome into the city. A new clean Barry stands in front of his mirror, towel drying his hair - "Come on." he urgently said, trying his best to be on time and to look presentable to Flora. Jumping into his shoes, he quickly makes his way to the new apartment.

"We're here Flora," Bruce said from the driver's seat. Getting out of the car, Alfred opens the trunk revealing Flora's belongings. Bruce and Alfred help her lay out the boxes out of the car in front of the complex. "I'm here, I'm here!" Barry spoke, almost out of breath. Flora turns to him, hand on her hip She reads her watch "You're late by 3 minutes Barry" she leans "Sorry milady, won't happen again." Barry smiles. "Okay then lovebirds, do you want us to help you or not, 'cause I don't have this romance in my 'to be seen' pile." Alfred jokes. Confidently, Barry spoke "Don't worry guys, I'll help her." causing the two men to eye each other - "They're heavy." Bruce spoke, teasing him. "We'll be fine, thank you guys," Flora says, as she walks over to them, giving them a long hug.

As the car leaves, Barry and Flora are left alone to bring up the boxes and unpack. "So how do you want to do this? We take one box at the same time, or each box?" Flora asks - "One box at the same time, might be too heavy for you." Barry mocks, shooting her a wink. "Yea yea whatever" she smiles, rolling her eyes.

Bringing the last box into the empty apartment, Flora lets out a huff - "Thank you Barry" she smiles, looking at him. He flushes "Oh yeah, don't worry about it anytime." trying not to stutter. Flora walks over to the kitchen, sitting herself down on the counter - almost waiting for Alfred to appear out of nowhere and tell her off. But that doesn't happen. She looks down at her dangling feet, she misses home. Barry notices that Flora looks down and he sits next to her on the counter. "You hungry?" he asks "Yeah kinda, I don't have groceries to make anything though." "Well uh you know, we could go out I know this really good Asian place just down the street." he says, She turns to him - "Oh my god Barry Allen! Are you asking me out on a date?" she says sarcastically, knowing she wants it to be true. Barry's eyes go wide "Well, I mean I meant as friends, but I mean don't know like uh it could be a.. date. I mean if you want it to be, if you don't then it's cool... dude." he rambles on, he's never asked a girl out on a date before. Letting out a chuckle, Flora hops off the counter offering her hand to him - "It's a date then, let's go."

After the needed meal, Flora and Barry find themselves walking down the street. Looking down at his feet, his eyes make their way to Flora's exposed arm, which is covered in goosebumps, stopping in his tracks - "Take this." he said, handing her his jacket. Flora smiles at the gesture "Thank you" As they continue walking, she slithers her arm in between his. Both of them were captivated by a synchronized heartbeat.

Looking up at the peaceful night - "It's getting late Barry, I should head home, Thank you so much for today I had a lot of fun." Flora says, glancing up at him. "Oh alright, but you could stay over tonight, your furniture still hasn't arrived and we're much closer to my house anyway." Barry thoughtfully offers. Thinking about it, Flora trusts Barry completely - "Actually that sounds good, thanks." "Anytime flora.". They make their way to his apartment, hand in hand.

Barry goes over to his closet and pulls out a sweater - "Here take this." he hands it out to Flora as she has just gotten out of the shower and was wrapped around in a fluffy towel. Flora thanks him, as she closes the door to change. Laying out a couple of blankets on the floor, Barry notices Flora sitting down on them. "Flora what are you doing?" he asks "Well, I'm about to sleep Barry what does it look like," she states the obvious - letting out a sigh Barry puts out his hand, helping her stand up. "This is for me." he gestures to the pile of blankets on the floor "And this is for you." he gestures his hand to his bed. Flora thanks the darkness, as her blushed cheeks are revealed at his thoughtful move. Snuggling her way into the covers, she breathed in. It smelt like him, a mix of laundry detergent and after-shave, she smiled. "Hey Barry?" she quietly spoke, making sure if he was awake or not. "Yea?" he spoke from the floor - "I don't mind if you sleep next to me." "No it's okay, it's very comfy here... on the floor, I have my blankets." he spoke, She let out a laugh "No I insist." She scooted to one side of the bed, letting him have the other. "Well then, if you insist." Barry mimics her as he gets into bed.

Turning over to face Barry's body, Flora lets out a sigh, she couldn't sleep. She didn't know whether it was her being homesick, or if it was that she was overwhelmed with her emotions of starting a whole new era of her life. Similarly, Barry couldn't sleep. He remarks her sigh - pulling her by her waist so she could be by him. Her stomach was graced by the presence of a fluttering swarm of butterflies, She cosied up to him, inhaling his scent, and he reciprocated, cherishing hers.


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