Chapter XX

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Chapter XX

September 11, 2017

Flora woke up with a smile; today was her birthday, marking her 24th year. Life had taken a pleasant turn recently, with her new job at CC General Hospital being nothing short of amazing. Even though she carried a personal secret, she was determined to learn from past mistakes. Two weeks earlier, the band celebrated Barry's 25th birthday at Wayne Manor. Being there was both comforting and strange for Flora, as it was once her home.

9 AM

Flora tossed and turned in her sheets; she hadn't slept well, a common occurrence on her birthday. Despite the joyful day ahead, the shadow of her father's passing on this day always loomed. After a refreshing morning shower, Flora brewed a strong cup of coffee and settled on her couch to contemplate the day. Her phone chimed with congratulatory messages from Alfred and Bruce, reminding her of the dinner they had planned. She welcomed the distraction, but her thoughts kept drifting to Barry. Their relationship had deepened since their memorable date in Greece, and Flora couldn't deny her growing feelings for him. As she sipped her coffee, a knock on the door disrupted her thoughts. Barry stood there with a bouquet of hydrangeas, her favourite flowers. His thoughtfulness touched her deeply, and she melted as he handed them to her, planting a gentle kiss on her cheek.

4 PM

The weather took an unusual turn as Flora headed to the cemetery to visit her father's grave. Light raindrops fell, an unexpected occurrence in Central City's summer. She found her father's grave and let out a sigh, her feelings of resentment still strong after all these years. "Hey, Dad," she began hesitantly. "Sixteen years ago today, you left me on my eighth birthday. I don't blame you for dying, but I wish I had more memories of you. I barely remember you." As she spoke, the wind picked up, adding to the eerie atmosphere. After leaving a petunia on the grave, Flora decided it was time to go, a strange unease overcoming her. She muttered her goodbyes and returned to the heart of Central City.

Around 6 PM, Flora arrived home, exhaustion settling in. She usually fought sleep on her birthday, but today, it claimed her.

"Flora..." an unknown voice called out. "Flora! Your father's death wasn't a coincidence!"

Flora found herself in a foggy dream, voices whispering in her ear. She couldn't place the voice, but it carried urgency.

"Wake up!"

She jolted awake, gasping for breath, her heart racing. The dream haunted her thoughts as she glanced at her clock: 6:47 PM. With a heavy heart, she started preparing for the evening.

Flora studied herself in the mirror, adding the finishing touches to her appearance. The dream lingered, and her mind remained preoccupied. She descended her building's grand staircase, only to be met by Barry, dressed in a suit. "You look beautiful, Flora," Barry stammered, struggling to find words. Her kiss on his cheek left him speechless. "Thank you, Barry," she replied coyly. "You don't look too bad yourself." They headed to Wayne Manor, where the birthday celebration was held. The moment they arrived, Barry couldn't take his eyes off Flora.

The evening was filled with laughter, good food, and heartfelt gifts. Flora was delighted by the thoughtful presents from her friends and family. Bruce approached her, his eyes filled with warmth. "Flora, come here for a second," he said, leading her to a quieter spot in the kitchen. Flora was anxious but quickly put at ease when Bruce handed her a box. Inside was a beautiful gold pendant that had once belonged to her mother. Tears welled in her eyes. "It's beautiful, Bruce. Thank you so much," she said, embracing him tightly as he fastened the pendant around her neck, a cherished reminder of her mother.

After an amazing evening, it was time to leave. Flora and Barry say their goodbyes to the rest of the group and she thanks everyone for all the thoughtful gifts and speeches. Hopping into the car, she rests her head on Barry's shoulder. "Before we head back to central city, I want to show you something." he quietly spoke, receiving a slow nod from Flora. The driver stops at the infamous bakery of Gotham, a dark delights bakery. Opening the door for Flora, Barry spoke - "Remember the bakery I would come here for, this is it." "yea, Dark Delights Bakery, I feel ashamed as an ex-civilian of Gotham that I've never eaten there." she answers, earning a disappointed look from Barry "That is horrible, but this is why we here, you will not leave this city, till you tried it." he looks at her, fully serious. "Okay, okay, calm down, I will eat it," she spoke, playfully rolling her eyes as they went inside. Flora ended up getting an eclair to go, as well as Barry. They walked through the city of Gotham, eclair in hand, laughing at the silly little conversations they were having. All of a sudden, Barry stops in his path, so happens to be right in front of Gotham General Hospital. Confused, Flora stops as well, looking at him. "What is it Barry?" she questions "Does this place spike up any old memories, it does for me," he answers back, smiling at her. "Im confused, please explain I'm, not akinator barry." she says, making him chuckle - "well Flora, I'm here with my pastry, your in front of your old jobs building, it's like history repeating itself. But this time, I'm continuing with what could happen then..." he pauses, waiting for her reaction "...flora Vanderbilt, the young intern who stitched me up, will you do me the honours of being my girlfriend?" he spoke, trying his very best not to stutter, as he usually does in nervous situations. Flora could not believe it, she shreeks out of joy - "yes, Barry Allen, the cute patient I stitched up, I will be your girlfriend." she squeals, before planting her lips onto his. 

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