Chapter VII

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Chapter VII

June 21st 2015

The first few months since Flora had gotten fired were a big blur for her, no matter how hard Alfred and Wayne tried to get her to be stable, she wouldn't budge. One day, for whatever reason, something inside of Flora had awoken. She became stronger and had a very big urge to fight - looks like our Flora has finally blossomed.

Laying in her bed, reading one of her many jane austen books, Flora sipped her tea.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Bruce opens the door as a ''come in'' was said by Flora.

''Hey kiddo, ready to go train? I have news to tell you...'' Bruce says waiting for an answer. Flora quickly closes her book and hops out of bed - ''more ready than ever, and yea, what up?'' she looks at him curiously, yet she can't understand his expression.

As Flora and Bruce make their way to the bat cave, which is a short walk since it is just in their garden.

Bruce hesitates before speaking - ''Listen, Flora, have you watched the news lately?'' Flora gives him a weird look - ''It's all about that Superman right?''. Bruce looks down at his moving feet before answering - ''yea, I don't think he's good news'' ''why, he's only done good things to the people of Metropolis'' ''he's very powerful, I'm afraid he's a threat to humanity''. He grits his teeth at the last sentence. Flora simply nods as she knows it's best to listen to him before this could turn into an argument. ''I don't know, he seems pretty cool'' was the last thing she said.

After some long and decent hours of training, Flora decides to head back inside the manor, maybe catch up with Alfred, whom she hadn't had a good conversation with in a while.

''Oh Alfred...'' Flora says quietly loudly, as she sits on the kitchen counter, biting into an apple. Steps can be heard from Alfred's office, getting louder as they reveal Alfred standing in front of Flora. He quickly moves to Flora, giving her a slight nudge - ''Flora get off the kitchen counter, this is where I have my morning coffee - have you still not showered since your training?'' he interrupts himself after smelling the sweat off the tired girl. ''No I haven't Alfred, I just wanted to talk, and I'm hungry'' she says as she gets up, rolling her eyes. Alfred lets out a sigh - ''girl go take a shower, I will make us some soup during that, and we can talk'' he says as he shoots her a quick wink. With that said Flora found herself running up the stairs.

June 22nd 2015

It is currently midnight.

This day had been excellent, it felt as if everything had gotten back into place. While Alfred and Flora were having lunch, they caught up. Flora let him know of her following life plans - moving out of wayne manor, as a 21-year-old it isn't usually common to still be living with your guardians. However, it was different in floras case as they are off fighting crime every night.

You know that feeling, when you finish a book, that empty feeling as if something is over? Flora feels that a lot, and right now. She lets her mind get distracted and remembers she would need to pick out a dress tomorrow as Bruce and she is going to Metropolis, for some Lex Luthor's event. She climbs out of her bed and goes to her closet and picks out a dress. After browsing for a good time, she decided on a flowy, short, dark red dress along with matching heels.

Flora fell asleep with a cloud over her head, she couldn't place her finger on it though, something had just been bothering her as if something bad is about to happen.

June 22nd 2015

Flora had woken earlier today as she and Bruce would leave at noon. They said their goodbyes to Alfred, quite dramatic as they are coming back right after the event.

It is now 7 PM, and Bruce and Flora had just reached the place where the event was happening, it was very fancy and modern, along with the rest of the city, very different to Gotham. When Bruce and Flora arrived at around 2 PM, a lot earlier than they'd expected, they walked around the city and did some shopping before stopping by to get lunch. Anyways, back to the event.

Turns out Bruce had been here to scheme, which Flora wasn't even surprised about anymore, and instead of offering some help to him, she let herself have fun and introduce herself to other people.

Meanwhile, Bruce quickly made his way to the LexCorp servers and plugged his device into them.

Flora decided to talk to the big man who Bruce had been talking to earlier. ''Hi, Flora Vanderbilt'' She introduces herself and reaches her hand out. The man smiles and accepts the hand ''Clark, Clark Kent, do I know you? You look very familiar'' he questions. ''I'm not sure where you would know me from, but I could say the same for you-'' Flora gets interrupted. ''Wow! I just love bringing people together! Bruce Wayne's daughter and Clark the journalist, who would've thought?'' a man with long hair spoke, in an annoying voice, this man was lex luthor, he snakes his arm around floras waist ''so flora how long has it been, 5?7? Years?'' Lex asks. Flora shifts her way out of his arms, looking uncomfortable, she answers ''haha, yea a while'' to be completely honest, she does not remember him at all.

As the conversation continues, she notices Bruce chasing after some woman. ''Would you excuse me, it was a pleasure meeting you Clark, ill see you around'' she says as she hurries off to Bruce.

Bruce stops in his tracks, as the tall, dark-haired woman had driven away. Flora sighs behind him ''You know usually you introduce yourself first, not so much as run after her'' she spoke. Bruce lets out a heavy sigh as he speaks ''We need to go home, right now''. Nothing more was said, no questions were asked.

June 23rd 2015

Last night was very confusing, especially for a person like Flora, where she would ask what was going on and get a simple nod... like why are you nodding, I'm asking you a question.

Bruce and Alfred had been busy with something very ''serious'' last night, so Flora had gone to bed as she couldn't care about anything other than sleep at that point. She had been wakened up to her set alarm, time to train...

The more Flora thought about her job, the more glad she became that she got fired, she had realized that maybe a doctor wasn't her thing, it was about making her father proud. Why should she? He was never there for her, plus Flora does the same things she did before. As in she saves people, so maybe this superhero life isn't bad.

She gets out of her bathroom, soaked after her deserved shower, post-training. Wrapped in her robe, she opens the door to her bathroom, to see Bruce sitting on her desk chair. ''Flora, I have really big news. Quickly get changed,'' he says, not even looking up from her computer, as he was putting in a USB.

A now changed flora pulls out a chair and sits next to him. ''What happened?'' she asks, slightly scared. ''Remember how I said I always knew there were more meta-humans in this country'' he spoke - continues ''We have found them, here's proof and footage.'' he moves the laptop, to face her.

Flora hesitates as she opens the file, inside the file there were 4 sections - each having a symbol of its own. She clicks the first one, the one with the two W's. the same dark-haired woman from last night was shown on screen, but it is a black and white photo... ''what does this mean Bruce?'' she questions, looking at him. All he said was ''keep watching''. As she presses onto the next section, where she could see what looked like a human robot being made. The third section had a familiar symbol, the symbol of the flash, her finger lingers over the mouse as she opens the video attached to the flash section. She couldn't believe her eyes, was that Barry? Barry from her first day of work? Bruce notices her reaction, and asks her ''what's wrong?'' the silence was interrupted - ''I know him'' flora simply says ''his name is barry allen'' she smiles as she finishes her sentence. Bruce shoots her a weird look but gets a phone call and leaves the room.

Slowly, everything started to make sense. Every time Flora was saved, it would be Barry, because Barry IS the Flash.

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